%A J. V. Frasch %A A. Gray %A Mario Zanon %A H. J. Ferreau %A S. Sager %A F. Borrelli %A M. Diehl %L eprints4046 %D 2013 %C Zurich, Switzerland %B European Control Conference (ECC), 2013 %I IEEE %X We address the problem of real-time obstacle avoidance on low-friction road surfaces using spatial Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC). We use a nonlinear four-wheel vehicle dynamics model that includes load transfer. To overcome the computational difficulties we propose to use the ACADO Code Generation tool which generates NMPC algorithms based on the real-time iteration scheme for dynamic optimization. The exported plain C code is tailored to the model dynamics, resulting in faster run-times in effort for real-time feasibility. The advantages of the proposed method are shown through simulation. %P 4136-4141 %T An auto-generated nonlinear MPC algorithm for real-time obstacle avoidance of ground vehicles %K C language;collision avoidance;control engineering computing;friction;iterative methods;nonlinear control systems;optimisation;predictive control;road vehicles;traffic engineering computing;vehicle dynamics;wheels;ACADO code generation tool;C code;NMPC algorithms;auto-generated nonlinear MPC algorithm;dynamic optimization;ground vehicles;load transfer;low-friction road surfaces;nonlinear four-wheel vehicle dynamics model;real-time iteration scheme;real-time obstacle avoidance;spatial nonlinear model predictive control;Computational modeling;Load modeling;Mathematical model;Real-time systems;Vehicle dynamics;Vehicles;Wheels