eprintid: 4081 rev_number: 10 eprint_status: archive userid: 69 dir: disk0/00/00/40/81 datestamp: 2021-03-17 10:04:23 lastmod: 2021-03-17 10:04:50 status_changed: 2021-03-17 10:04:23 type: monograph metadata_visibility: show creators_name: Longo, Luigi creators_name: Riccaboni, Massimo creators_name: Rungi, Armando creators_id: luigi.longo@imtlucca.it creators_id: massimo.riccaboni@imtlucca.it creators_id: armando.rungi@imtlucca.it title: A Neural Network Ensemble Approach for GDP Forecasting ispublished: pub subjects: HA subjects: HB divisions: EIC full_text_status: public monograph_type: imt_eic_working_paper keywords: Keywords: macroeconomic forecasting; machine learning; neural networks; dynamic factor model; Covid-19 crisis; Mixed frequency. JEL codes: C53, E37, 051 abstract: We propose an ensemble learning methodology to forecast the future US GDP growth release. Our approach combines a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) with a Dynamic Factor model accounting for time-variation in mean with a General- ized Autoregressive Score (DFM-GAS). The analysis is based on a set of predictors encompassing a wide range of variables measured at different frequencies. The forecast exercise is aimed at evaluating the predictive ability of each model's com- ponent of the ensemble by considering variations in mean, potentially caused by recessions affecting the economy. Thus, we show how the combination of RNN and DFM-GAS improves forecasts of the US GDP growth rate in the aftermath of the 2008-09 global financial crisis. We find that a neural network ensemble markedly reduces the root mean squared error for the short-term forecast horizon. date: 2021-03 date_type: published number: 2 place_of_pub: Lucca pages: 35 institution: IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca issn: 2279-6894 referencetext: Elena Andreou, Eric Ghysels, and Andros Kourtellos. 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EIC working paper series #2/2021 ISSN 2279-6894. document_url: http://eprints.imtlucca.it/4081/1/WP_EIC_2_2021.pdf