@article{eprints475, publisher = {Elsevier Science Limited}, pages = {1243--1251}, author = {Stefano Di Cairano and Alberto Bemporad and Jorge J{\'u}lvez}, volume = {45}, title = {Event-driven optimization-based control of hybrid systems with integral continuous-time dynamics}, number = {5}, year = {2009}, journal = {Automatica}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/475/}, abstract = {In this paper we introduce a class of continuous-time hybrid dynamical systems called integral continuous-time hybrid automata (icHA) for which we propose an event-driven optimization-based control strategy. Events include both external actions applied to the system and changes of continuous dynamics (mode switches). The icHA formalism subsumes a number of hybrid dynamical systems with practical interest, e.g., linear hybrid automata. Different cost functions, including minimum-time and minimum-effort criteria, and constraints are examined in the event-driven optimal control formulation. This is translated into a finite-dimensional mixed-integer optimization problem, in which the event instants and the corresponding values of the control input are the optimization variables. As a consequence, the proposed approach has the advantage of automatically adjusting the attention of the controller to the frequency of event occurrence in the hybrid process. A receding horizon control scheme exploiting the event-based optimal control formulation is proposed as a feedback control strategy and proved to ensure either finite-time or asymptotic convergence of the closed-loop.} }