%L eprints496 %N 6 %A Alberto Bemporad %A Tzyh-Jong Tarn %A Ning Xi %V 7 %D 1999 %R 10.1109/87.799665 %J IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology %K Acceleration; Error correction; Feedback; Motion control; Motion planning; Robot control; Robot motion; Torque; Trajectory; Voltage %T Predictive path parameterization for constrained robot control %P 648-656 %X For robotic systems tracking a given geometric path, the paper addresses the problem of satisfying input and state constraints. According to a prediction of the evolution of the robot from the current state, a discrete-time device called a path governor generates online a suitable time-parameterization of the path to be tracked, by solving at fixed intervals a constrained scalar look-ahead optimization problem. Higher level switching commands are also taken into account by simply associating a different optimization criterion to each mode of operation. Experimental results are reported for a three-degree-of-freedom PUMA 560 manipulator subject to absolute position error, Cartesian velocity, and motor voltage constraints %I IEEE