%J Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control %R 10.1007/11730637_10 %D 2006 %A Alberto Bemporad %A Stefano Di Cairano %A Jorge J?lvez %L eprints498 %I Springer-Verlag %X This paper proposes an event-driven model predictive control scheme with guaranteed closed-loop convergence properties for the class of integral continuous-time hybrid automata (icHA). After converting icHA to a corresponding event-driven representation that allows one to compute the model predictive control action by mixed integer programming, sufficient conditions ensuring event-asymptotic and time-asymptotic convergence are proven. The paper also shows how the same modeling methodology can be employed to efficiently solve problems of verification of safety properties. %P 93-107 %T Event-based model predictive control and verification of integral continuous-time hybrid automata %B Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control