@incollection{eprints518, pages = {207--226}, editor = {Andrea Garulli and Alberto Tesi}, author = {Alberto Bemporad and Manfred Morari}, booktitle = {Robustness in Identification and Control}, title = {Robust model predictive control: a survey}, volume = {245}, year = {1999}, series = {Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences}, publisher = {Springer-Verlag}, journal = {Robustness in Identification and Control}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/518/}, abstract = {This paper gives an overview of robustness in Model Predictive Control (MPC). After reviewing the basic concepts of MPC, we survey the uncertainty descriptions considered in the MPC literature, and the techniques proposed for robust constraint handling, stability, and performance. The key concept of ?closedloop prediction? is discussed at length. The paper concludes with some comments on future research directions. } }