%X Recently multi-parametric methods have been applied with success to model predictive control (MPC) schemes. In this paper we propose a novel method for linear systems to obtain the explicit description of the control law that is based on dynamic programming and exploits the structure of the MPC formulation. %B Decision and Control Conference %T A dynamic programming approach for determining the explicit solution of MPC controllers %C 14th-17th December 2004 %J Proc. 43th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control %V 3 %D 2004 %A David Mu?oz de la Pe?a %A Teodoro Alamo %A Alberto Bemporad %A Eduardo F. Camacho %L eprints564 %P 2479-2484 %R 10.1109/CDC.2004.1428785 %K dynamic programming approach; explicit solution; linear MPC controllers; linear systems; model predictive control; multi-parametric methods; multiparametric programming; discrete time systems; dynamic programming; linear systems; predictive control %I IEEE