%I IEEE %X Many robust model predictive control (MPC) schemes require the online solution of a convex program, which can be computationally demanding. For deterministic MPC schemes, multi-parametric programming was successfully applied to move most computations offline. In this paper we adopt a general approximate multi-parametric algorithm recently suggested for convex problems and propose to apply it to a classical robust WC scheme. This approach enables one to implement a robust MPC controller in real time for systems with polytopic uncertainty, ensuring robust constraint satisfaction and robust convergence to a given bounded set. %P 2491-2496 %T Robust explicit MPC based on approximate multi-parametric convex programming %K approximate multi-parametric convex programming; classical robust WC scheme; deterministic MPC schemes; polytopic uncertainty; robust constraint satisfaction; robust convergence; robust model predictive control schemes; uncertain systems; convex programming; predictive control; robust control; uncertain systems %B Decision and Control Conference %J Proc. 43th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control %R 10.1109/CDC.2004.1428788 %D 2004 %C 14th-17th December 2004 %V 3 %A David Mu?oz de la Pe?a %A Alberto Bemporad %A Carlo Filippi %L eprints565