%B Decision and Control Conference %P 1205-1210 %T Nonlinear predictive reference governor for constrained control systems %K asymptotic stability; computational complexity; filtering theory; nonlinear control systems; performance index; predictive control %I IEEE %X This paper presents a new methodology for solving control problems where hard contraints on the state and/or the inputs of the system are present. This is achieved by adding to the control architecture a command governor which prefilters the reference to be tracked, taking into account the current value of the state and aiming at optimizing a tracking performance index. The overall system is proved to be asymptotically stable, and feasibility is ensured by a weak condition on the initial state linear loops, a complete solution is developed for the latter. The resulting online computational burden turns out to be moderate and the related operations executable with current low-priced computing hardware %A Alberto Bemporad %A Edoardo Mosca %L eprints591 %V 2 %R 10.1109/CDC.1995.480261 %C New Orleans, December 1995 %D 1995 %J Proc. 34th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control