%D 1999 %V 1 %A Domenico Mignone %A Alberto Bemporad %A Manfred Morari %L eprints608 %P 134-138 %K Boolean algebra; fault detection; formal verification;hybrid systems; integer programming; linear programming; mixed logical dynamical systems; propositional calculus; quadratic programming; state estimation; Boolean algebra; fault diagnosis; formal logic; formal verification; integer programming; linear programming; quadratic programming; state estimation %R 10.1109/ACC.1999.782755 %I IEEE %X This paper presents a modeling formalism for hybrid systems which allows one to formulate and solve several practical problems, such as control, formal verification, state estimation, and fault detection. As an extension to previous works we report a technique that allows one to reduce the number of auxiliary binary variables in the modeling phase %B American Control Conference %C San Diego, California, June 1999 %T A framework for control, fault detection, state estimation and verification of hybrid systems %J American Control Conference