@incollection{eprints609, pages = {2471--2475}, publisher = {IEEE}, journal = {American Control Conference}, address = {San Diego, California, June 1999}, author = {Alberto Bemporad and Domenico Mignone and Manfred Morari}, volume = {4}, year = {1999}, booktitle = {American Control Conference}, title = {Moving horizon estimation for hybrid systems and fault detection}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/609/}, abstract = {An approach for fault detection and state estimation of hybrid systems is presented. The method relies on the modeling framework for hybrid systems introduced by Bemporad and Morari (1999). This framework considers interacting propositional logic, automata, continuous dynamics and constraints. The proposed approach is illustrated by considering the fault detection problem of the three-tank benchmark system}, keywords = {automata; continuous dynamics; fault detection; hybrid systems; modeling framework; moving horizon estimation; propositional logic; three-tank benchmark system; automata theory; continuous time systems; discrete systems; fault diagnosis; formal logic; level control; state estimation} }