%X We prove, in a constructive way, the equivalence between hybrid and piecewise affine systems. By focusing our investigation on the latter class, we show through counter-examples that observability and controllability properties cannot be easily deduced from those of the component linear subsystems. Instead, we propose practical numerical tests based on mixed-integer linear programming %J Proc. 38th IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control %C Phoenix, Arizona %T Observability and controllability of piecewise affine and hybrid systems %B Decision and Control Conference %L eprints611 %A Alberto Bemporad %A Giancarlo Ferrari-Trecate %A Manfred Morari %D 1999 %V 4 %I IEEE %K hybrid systems; mixed-integer linear programming; piecewise affine systems; controllability; integer programming; linear programming; linear systems; observability %R 10.1109/CDC.1999.827980 %P 3966-3971