%B Conference. on Control Applications %I IEEE %X The problem of satisfying input and state-dependent inequality constraints in feedback control systems is addressed. The proposed solution is based on predicting the evolution of the constrained vector and, accordingly, selecting online the future reference based on both the current state and the desired set-point changes. The achievable performance is first investigated via simulations, and compared with the one obtained via a receding horizon controller which uses an online mathematical programming solver. Finally, an analysis is carried out so as to establish the stability and offset-free properties of the method %P 1909-1914 %T Constraint fulfilment in feedback control via predictive reference management %K constrained vector; feedback control; inequality constraints; intelligent control; nonlinear systems; offset-free properties; predictive reference control; stability; constraint handling; feedback; intelligent control; model reference adaptive control systems; nonlinear systems; predictive control; stability %V 3 %A Alberto Bemporad %A Edoardo Mosca %L eprints620 %J Proc. 3rd IEEE Conf. on Control Applications %R 10.1109/CCA.1994.381285 %D 1994