%K PACS number(s): 89.75.Hc %P 036117 %T Scale-free models for the structure of business firm networks %X We study firm collaborations in the life sciences and the information and communication technology sectors. We propose an approach to characterize industrial leadership using k-shell decomposition, with top-ranking firms in terms of market value in higher k-shell layers. We find that the life sciences industry network consists of three distinct components: a ?nucleus,? which is a small well-connected subgraph, ?tendrils,? which are small subgraphs consisting of small degree nodes connected exclusively to the nucleus, and a ?bulk body,? which consists of the majority of nodes. Industrial leaders, i.e., the largest companies in terms of market value, are in the highest k-shells of both networks. The nucleus of the life sciences sector is very stable: once a firm enters the nucleus, it is likely to stay there for a long time. At the same time we do not observe the above three components in the information and communication technology sector. We also conduct a systematic study of these three components in random scale-free networks. Our results suggest that the sizes of the nucleus and the tendrils in scale-free networks decrease as the exponent of the power-law degree distribution ? increases, and disappear for ??3. We compare the k-shell structure of random scale-free model networks with two real-world business firm networks in the life sciences and in the information and communication technology sectors. We argue that the observed behavior of the k-shell structure in the two industries is consistent with the coexistence of both preferential and random agreements in the evolution of industrial networks. %I American Physical Society %O ? 2010 American Physical Society %D 2010 %R 10.1103/PhysRevE.81.036117 %J Physical Review E %L eprints634 %N 3 %A Maksim Kitsak %A Massimo Riccaboni %A Shlomo Havlin %A Fabio Pammolli %A H. Eugene Stanley %V 81