@article{eprints781, number = {51}, note = {Associazione PSL {\copyright}1998}, publisher = {Associazione Paolo Sylos Labini}, journal = {Moneta e credito}, author = {Giorgio Calcagnini and Donato Iacobucci and Davide Ticchi}, year = {1998}, volume = {202}, title = {Razionamento del credito e dimensioni di impresa}, pages = {197--214}, url = {http://eprints.imtlucca.it/781/}, abstract = {This paper examines the likelihood of credit rationing faced by firms of dif?ferent size. Cantrary to common thought, several recent contributions on this topic argue that, when rationing credit, size alone is not a sufficient con?dition for discriminating between firms. We show that this result can be predicted using a framework based on the Stiglitz-Weiss model. In particular, in an environment of asymmetric information, we highlight how the likeli?hood of credit rationing depends upon the shape of the,distribution function of project returns, especially its asymmetry and Kurtosis. Our empirical re?sults do not support the hypothesis that small firms face more credit ration?ing than larger firms.} }