%D 2010 %C Stockholm, Sweden %X Acute myocardial infarcts (AMI) are typically discriminated with T2-weighted short TI inversion recovery (STIR) with turbo spin echo (TSE) readouts [1], albeit with limited specificity [2]. Guided by the association that T2-STIR images identify AMI territories on the basis of edema-related T2 changes, even some of the recently proposed improvements [2,3] have relied on preferential sensitization of magnetization to T2- weighting. However, whether T2-STIR imaging itself may also be sensitive to other sources of image contrast have not been fully investigated. We hypothesize that in addition to T2-weighting, edema detection with T2-STIR imaging has substantial weighting from proton density (PD) changes. %L eprints838 %A Xiangzhi Zhou %A Veronica Rundell %A Ying Liu %A Richard Tang %A Rachel Klein %A Shivraman Giri %A Saurabh Shah %A Sotirios A. Tsaftaris %A Sven Zuehlsdorff %A Orlando Simonetti %A Debiao Li %A Rohan Dharmakumar %T On the origin of myocardial edema contrast in T2-STIR images