%K Probabilistic Patents, Antitrust Limits, Patent Settlements %T Revisiting Antitrust Limits to Probabilistic Patent Disputes: Strategic Entry and Asymmetric Information %D 2010 %O JEL codes: O3, L1, L4, K4 %L eprints97 %X We consider separately strategic entry and asymmetric information in the design of the settlement policy governing patent disputes, with a focus on Shapiro (2003)?s consumer protection rule. We show that, when a potential entrant strategically incurs an entry cost before engaging in a patent dispute, a more stringent settlement policy of deterring costly entry is preferable to the patent-holder and may lead to higher static efficiency. Concerning asymmetric information, when the disputants, but not the court, learn the patent validity, we derive an ?expectation test,? which requires that a laxer settlement policy be coupled with higher expected patent validity under settlement. %A Jing-Yuan Chiou %A Richard Schmidtke