%J Statistics and probability letters %P 141-148 %A Irene Crimaldi %X In this paper we deal with the Skorohod representation of a given system of probability measures. More precisely, we give conditions for the existence of a Skorohod representation (X,(Xn)) with the following additional property: for each real number p⩾1 and each real random variable Z in Lp, the conditional expectation E[Z|Xn] converges in Lp to the conditional expectation E[Z|X] %I Elsevier %V 67 %T On the behavior of the conditional expectations in Skorohod representation theorem %N 2 %R doi:10.1016/j.spl.2003.12.007 %L eprints988 %K Weak convergence; Conditional expectation; Skorohod representation %D 2004