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Statistical features of drainage basins in mars channel networks: can one guess from the landscape the past presence of water?

Caldarelli, Guido and De Los Rios, Paolo and Montuori, Marco and Servedio, Vito D. P. Statistical features of drainage basins in mars channel networks: can one guess from the landscape the past presence of water? The European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter, 38 (2). pp. 387-391. ISSN 1434-6028 (2004)

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Erosion by flowing water is one of the major forces shaping the surface of Earth. Studies in the last decade have shown, in particular, that the drainage region of rivers, where water is collected, exhibits scale invariant features characterized by exponents that are the same for rivers around the world. Here we show that from the data obtained by the MOLA altimeter of the Mars Global Surveyor one can perform the same analysis for mountain sides on Mars. We then show that in some regions fluid erosion might have played a role in the present martian landscape.

Item Type: Article
Identification Number: 10.1140/epjb/e2004-00132-y
Uncontrolled Keywords: PACS: 92.40.Fb Rivers, runoff, and streamflow - 96.30.Gc Mars - 05.45.Df Fractals
Subjects: Q Science > QC Physics
Q Science > QE Geology
Research Area: Economics and Institutional Change
Depositing User: Ms T. Iannizzi
Date Deposited: 15 Feb 2012 14:23
Last Modified: 15 Feb 2012 14:23
URI: http://eprints.imtlucca.it/id/eprint/1123

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