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Number of items: 61.

Nutarelli, Federico and Riccaboni, Massimo Schemi di pagamenti dilazionati e condizionati per il rimborso di terapie avanzate one-shot. EIC working paper series #1/2024/2024 ISSN 2279-6894.

Hidalgo, Alberto and Riccaboni, Massimo and Velázquez, Francisco J. The Effect of Short-Term Rentals on Local Consumption Amenities: Evidence from Madrid. EIC working paper series #1/2022

Micocci, Francesca and Rungi, Armando Predicting Exporters with Machine Learning. EIC working paper series #3/2021 ISSN 2279-6894.

Longo, Luigi and Riccaboni, Massimo and Rungi, Armando A Neural Network Ensemble Approach for GDP Forecasting. EIC working paper series #2/2021 ISSN 2279-6894.

Munos, Bernard and Niederreiter, Jan and Riccaboni, Massimo Improving the Prediction of Clinical Success Using Machine Learning. EIC working paper series #3/2020

Rungi, Armando and Fattorini, Loredana and Huremovic, Kenan Measuring the Input Rank in Global Supply Networks. EIC working paper series ISSN 2279 6894.

Bargagli-Stoffi, Falco J. and Riccaboni, Massimo and Rungi, Armando Machine Learning for Zombie Hunting. Firms’ Failures and Financial Constraints. EIC working paper series #1/2020/2020 ISSN 2279-6894.

Exadactylos, Dimitrios and Riccaboni, Massimo and Rungi, Armando Talents from Abroad. Foreign Managers and Productivity in the United Kingdom. EIC working paper series #1/2019 ISSN 2279-6894.

Verginer, Luca and Riccaboni, Massimo Brain-Circulation Network: The Global Mobility of the Life Scientists. EIC working paper series #04/2018 ISSN 2279-6894.

Belmonte, Alessandro and Teobaldelli, Désirée and Ticchi, Davide Tax Morale, Fiscal Capacity, and Wars. EIC working paper series #3/2018 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Fattorini, Loredana and Ghodsi, Mahdi and Rungi, Armando Cohesion Policy Meets Heterogeneous Firms. EIC working paper series #2/2018 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Lopreite, Milena and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riccaboni, Massimo The Global Health Networks: A Comparative Analysis of Tuberculosis, Malaria and Pneumonia Using Social Media Data. EIC working paper series #1/2018 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Gianfagna, Laura and Rungi, Armando Does corporate control matter to financial volatility? EIC working paper series #9/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Fattorini, Loredana and Rungi, Armando and Zhu, Zhen The Organization of Global Supply Networks. EIC working paper series #8/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Rungi, Armando and Morrison, Greg and Pammolli, Fabio Global ownership and corporate control networks. EIC working paper series #7/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Belmonte, Alessandro and Bove, Vincenzo and D'Inverno, Giovanna and Modica, Marco School Infrastructure Spending and Educational Outcomes in Northern Italy. EIC working paper series #6/2017 ISSN 2279-6894.

Rungi, Armando and Del Prete, Davide The “Smile Curve”: where Value is Added along Supply Chains. EIC working paper series #5/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Metulini, Rodolfo and Riccaboni, Massimo and Sgrignoli, Paolo and Zhu, Zhen The Indirect Effects of FDI on Trade: A Network Perspective. EIC working paper series #4/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Baliè, Jean and Del Prete, Davide and Magrini, Emiliano and Montalbano, Pierluigi and Nenci, Silvia Agriculture and Food Global Value Chains in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does bilateral trade policy impact on backward and forward participation? EIC working paper series #3/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

De Angelis, Enrico and Metulini, Rodolfo and Bove, Vincenzo and Riccaboni, Massimo Virtual Water Trade and Bilateral Conflicts. EIC working paper series #2/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Frassi, Benedetta and Pammolli, Fabio and Regis, Luca The potential costs of Longevity Risk on Public Pensions. Evidence from Italian data. EIC working paper series #1/2017 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Belmonte, Alessandro and Dell'Anno, Roberto and Teobaldelli, Désirée Tax Morale, Aversion to Ethnic Diversity, and Decentralization. EIC working paper series #7/2016 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Flori, Andrea and Giansante, Simone and Pammolli, Fabio Peer-Group Detection of Banks and Resilience to Distress. EIC working paper series #6/2016 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Borisova, Ekaterina and Govorun, Andrei and Ivanov, Denis Bridging or bonding? Preferences for redistribution and social capital in Russia. EIC working paper series #5/2016 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Biorci, Grazia and Emina, Antonella and Puliga, Michelangelo and Sella, Lisa and Vivaldo, Gianna Tweet-tales: moods of socio-economic crisis? EIC working paper series #4/2016 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Jevtić, Petar and Regis, Luca A continuous-time stochastic model for the mortality surface of multiple populations. EIC working paper series #3/2016 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Bee, Marco and Riccaboni, Massimo and Trapin, Luca An extreme value analysis of the last century crises across industries in the U.S. economy. EIC working paper series #2/2016 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-689.

Pammolli, Fabio and Rungi, Armando Access to Medicines and European Market Integration. EIC working paper series #1/2016 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894. (Submitted)

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Gianfagna, Laura and Pammolli, Fabio Assessing financial distress dependencies in OTC markets: a new approach by Trade Repositories data. EIC working paper series #10/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Zhu, Zhen and Morrison, Greg and Puliga, Michelangelo and Chessa, Alessandro and Riccaboni, Massimo The Similarity of Global Value Chains: a Network-Based Measure. EIC working paper series #9/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894. (Submitted)

Dincecco, Mark and Fenske, James and Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano Is Africa Different? Historical Conflict and State Development. EIC working paper series #8/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894. (Submitted)

Nicodano, Giovanna and Regis, Luca Ownership, Taxes and Default. EIC working paper series #7/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894. (Submitted)

Cassidy, Traviss and Dincecco, Mark and Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano The Economic Legacy of Warfare: Evidence from European Regions. EIC working paper series #6/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894. (Submitted)

Cancellieri, Giulia and Riccaboni, Massimo From La Bohème to La Wally: How Organizational Status Affects the (Un)conventionality of Opera Repertoires. EIC working paper series #5/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Del Prete, Davide and Rungi, Armando Organizing the Global Value Chain: a firm-level test. EIC working paper series #4/2015 IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Crimaldi, Irene and Del Vicario, Michela and Morrison, Greg and Quattrociocchi, Walter and Riccaboni, Massimo Homophily and Triadic Closure in Evolving Social Networks. EIC working paper series #3/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Menoncin, Francesco and Regis, Luca Longevity assets and pre-retirement consumption/portfolio decisions. EIC working paper series #2/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies ISSN 2279-6894.

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Systemic risk and banking regulation: some facts on the new regulatory framework. EIC working paper series #1/2015 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Zhu, Zhen and Puliga, Michelangelo and Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Riccaboni, Massimo Global value trees. EIC working paper series #11/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Dal Maso, Carlo and Pompa, Gabriele and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riotta, Gianni and Chessa, Alessandro Voting behavior, coalitions and government strength through a complex network analysis. EIC working paper series #10/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Systemic importance of financial institutions: from a global to a local perspective? A network theory approach. EIC working paper series #9/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Distefano, Tiziano and Riccaboni, Massimo and Marin, Giovanni Global Virtual Water Trade: integrating Structural Decomposition Analysis with Network Theory. EIC working paper series #8/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Jevtić, Petar and Regis, Luca Assessing the solvency of insurance portfolios via a continuous time cohort model. EIC working paper series #7/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Cerina, Federica and Zhu, Zhen and Chessa, Alessandro and Riccaboni, Massimo World input-output network. EIC working paper series #6/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Metulini, Rodolfo and Sgrignoli, Paolo and Schiavo, Stefano and Riccaboni, Massimo The migration network effect on international trade. EIC working paper series #5/2014 ISSN 2279-6894.

Zhu, Zhen and Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Riccaboni, Massimo The rise of China in the international trade network: a community core detection approach. EIC working paper series #4/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Chessa, Alessandro and Crimaldi, Irene and Riccaboni, Massimo and Trapin, Luca Cluster analysis of weighted bipartite networks: a new copula-based approach. EIC working paper series #3/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Systemic importance of financial institutions: regulations, research, open issues, proposals. EIC working paper series #2/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Morescalchi, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Penner, Orion and Petersen, Alexander M. and Riccaboni, Massimo The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data. EIC working paper series #1/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Sgrignoli, Paolo and Metulini, Rodolfo and Schiavo, Stefano and Riccaboni, Massimo The Relation Between Global Migration and Trade Networks. EIC working paper series #6/2013 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Foschi, Rachele and Riccaboni, Massimo and Schiavo, Stefano Missing Links in Multiple Trade Networks. EIC working paper series #5/2013 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Morescalchi, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Penner, Orion and Petersen, Alexander M. and Riccaboni, Massimo Networks of innovators within and across borders. Evidence from patent data. EIC working paper series #4/2013 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Magazzini, Laura and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo R&D, Within and Between Patent Competition in the Pharmaceutical Industry. EIC working paper series #3/2013 ISSN 2279-6894.

Di Porto, Edoardo and Elia, Leandro and Tealdi, Cristina The “emersion” effect: an ex post and ex ante social program evaluation on labor tax evasion in Italy. EIC working paper series #2/2013 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Riccaboni, Massimo and Schiavo, Stefano Stochastic Trade Networks. EIC working paper series #1/2013 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Vindigni, Andrea and Scotti, Simone and Tealdi, Cristina Uncertainty and the politics of employment protection. EIC working paper series #6/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano and Scheve, Kenneth and Stasavage, David Technology and the Era of the Mass Army. EIC working paper series #5/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Montinari, Letizia and Rochlitz, Michael Absorptive Capacity and Efficiency: A Comparative Stochastic Frontier Approach Using Sectoral Data. EIC working paper series #4/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies , Lucca. ISSN 2279-6894.

Marin, Giovanni Do Eco-Innovations Harm Productivity Growth through Crowding Out? Results of an Extended CDM Model for Italy. EIC working paper series #3/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies ISSN 2279-6894.

Marin, Giovanni Closing the gap? Dynamic analyses of emission efficiency and sector productivity in Europe. EIC working paper series #2/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies ISSN 2279-6894.

Chiou, Jing-Yuan and Magazzini, Laura and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo The Value of Failures in Pharmaceutical R&D. EIC working paper series #1/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies ISSN 2279-6894.

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