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A Folding Algorithm for Eliminating Existential Variables from Constraint Logic Programs

Senni, Valerio and Pettorossi, Alberto and Proietti, Maurizio A Folding Algorithm for Eliminating Existential Variables from Constraint Logic Programs. In: Logic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5366). Springer, pp. 284-300. ISBN 978-3-540-89981-5 (2008)

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The existential variables of a clause in a constraint logic program are the variables which occur in the body of the clause and not in its head. The elimination of these variables is a transformation technique which is often used for improving program efficiency and verifying program properties. We consider a folding transformation rule which ensures the elimination of existential variables and we propose an algorithm for applying this rule in the case where the constraints are linear inequations over rational or real numbers. The algorithm combines techniques for matching terms modulo equational theories and techniques for solving systems of linear inequations. We show that an implementation of our folding algorithm performs well in practice.

Item Type: Book Section
Identification Number: 10.1007/978-3-540-89982-2_29
Additional Information: 24th International Conference, ICLP 2008 Udine, Italy, December 9-13 2008 Proceedings
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Research Area: Computer Science and Applications
Depositing User: Users 40 not found.
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2012 13:49
Last Modified: 07 Mar 2013 12:56
URI: http://eprints.imtlucca.it/id/eprint/1375

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