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Testing Equivalences for Event Structures

Aceto, Luca and Fantechi, Alessandro and De Nicola, Rocco Testing Equivalences for Event Structures. In: Mathematical Models for the Semantics of Parallelism. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 280 . Springer, pp. 1-20. ISBN 3-540-18419-8 (1986)

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A flexible abstraction mechanism for models of concurrency, which allows systems which "look the same" to be considered equivalent, is proposed. Using three classes of atomic observations (sequences of actions, sequences of multisets of actions and partial orderings of actions) different information on the causal and temporal structure of Event Structures, a basic model of parallelism, is captured. As a result, three different semantic models for concurrent systems are obtained. These models can be used as the basis for defining interleaving, multisets or partial ordering semantics of concurrent systems. The common framework used to define the models allows us to study the relationship between these three traditional approaches to the semantics of concurrent communicating systems.

Item Type: Book Section
Identification Number: 10.1007/3-540-18419-8_9
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Research Area: Computer Science and Applications
Depositing User: Rocco De Nicola
Date Deposited: 24 May 2011 14:53
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2011 14:36
URI: http://eprints.imtlucca.it/id/eprint/388

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