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FAQs and More Information about the IMT Institutional Repository

1. Why an institutional repository?

The Repository has been created with the following mission:

  • to include citations to the work of all IMT Resident Faculty
  • to provide Open Access to full text research where permitted by publishers and copyright law
  • to provide stable links to published items
  • to be a reliable source of information on IMT research for all audiences
  • to maximize the visibility, accessibility and dissemination of research produced at IMT.

2. Who can submit items to the Repository?

Only IMT resident faculty and Repository staff can deposit papers in the Repository. A current IMT Intranet Username and Password is required. For an item to be accepted for inclusion in the repository, at least one of the authors of the work must have a current affiliation with IMT. Before depositing items in the Repository for the first time, authors should sign and submit to Library staff a copy of the Deposit Agreement. Items may be deposited by a person other than the author or creator provided the depositing is done with the author's permission. IMT students can request to submit his/her articles published in peer-reviewed journals.

3. Which of my publications should I submit to the Repository?

It is IMT policy that all members of resident faculty are required to submit, at minimum, the bibliographic information concerning journal articles, books and book sections published from 2005 on. Deposit of publications released prior to such date, as well as working papers and conference items and is strongly encouraged. It also recommended that the full text of items be deposited where possible.

For more information on full text and copyright, see the Deposit Guide.

4. What types of items will be accepted?

Journal articles (accepted, submitted and published versions), working papers (including technical reports, project reports, manuals and discussion papers), conference papers and workshop items (including papers, presentations and posters), books, book chapters, theses,. If you would like to deposit something that falls outside of this range, please contact the Repository manager to discuss its suitability.

5. Which formats are acceptable?

The Repository accepts the following formats:

  • PDF
  • Archive (ZIP, BZ2, TGZ)
  • Images (JPEG, TIFF, BMP)
  • JPEG
  • 6. How do I deposit an item in the Repository?

    You must LOGIN to deposit materials. Your LOGIN username and password is the same as you use to login to the IMT intranet. Once logged in, you are automatically taken to the "Manage Deposits" screen. There are 5 steps involved in depositing an item in the Repository, steps you will be guided through once you click on the "New Item" box:

    1. Identify the type of material you are depositing e.g. article, conference paper, etc.
    2. Provide descriptive information about the material, e.g. title, authors/creators, abstract, keywords, etc.
    3. Assign a broad subject area under which your work falls.
    4. Upload the file, by browsing your computer's folders.
    5. Agree to the terms of deposit.

    Your deposited item will not be publicly viewable until it is "released" by the Repository's administrator. The administrator will check that the submission meets all of the IMT Institutional Repository guidelines before making the material public. For more detailed instructions see the Full Deposit Guide.

    7. Which full text version of my publication should I deposit?

    Over 70% of journal publishers permit author to deposit a copy f their paper on an institutiional website. However the Repository must comply with copyright law. In order to check the full text version you are allowed to deposit, please visit the website SHERPA/RoMEO. If you need further information or help, please contact Library staff

    8. Is Eprints connected to Lginmiur website?

    Eprints is not connected to Cineca systems. For this reason, if you have a professor profile on Loginmiur website, you will have to deposit your publications twice (in Eprints and in Loginmiur). Library staff can also support you with the deposit in Loginmiur.

    9. Who should I contact if I have questions or concerns?

    If you have questions about the content of the Repository or the deposit process please contact Tania Iannizzi. For technical issues please contact Leonardo Mezzina.