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Number of items: 22.


Bellini, A. and Bemporad, Alberto and Franchi, Eleonora and Manaresi, Nicolò and Rovatti, Riccardo and Torrini, G. Analog fuzzy implementation of a vehicle traction sliding-mode control. In: ISATA 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation Automotive , 1996, Croydon, UK pp. 275-282. (Unpublished) (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and Casavola, Alessandro and Mosca, Edoardo A nonlinear command governor for constrained control systems. In: 13th IFAC World Congress. IFAC, pp. 473-478. (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and Casavola, Alessandro and Mosca, Edoardo A predictive reference governor for constrained control systems. In: ASI - Annual ICIMS-NOE conference, Tolosa, France pp. 231-238. (Unpublished) (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and De Luca, Alessandro and Oriolo, Giuseppe Local incremental planning for a car-like robot navigating among obstacles. In: International conference on robotics and automation. IEEE, Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 1996, pp. 1205-1211. ISBN 0-7803-2988-0 (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and Mosca, Edoardo Robust nonlinear reference filtering for constrained linear systems with uncertain impulse/step responses. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Kobe, Japan, December 1996, pp. 3527-3528. ISBN 0-7803-3590-2 (1996)

Boreale, Michele and De Nicola, Rocco A Symbolic Semantics for the pi-Calculus. Information and Computation, 126 (1). pp. 34-52. ISSN 0890-5401 (1996)


Caldarelli, Guido and Di Tolla, Francesco and Petri, Alberto Self-organization and annealed disorder in a fracturing process. Physical Review Letters, 77 (12). pp. 2503-2506. ISSN 0031-9007 (1996)

Caldarelli, Guido and Maritan, Amos and Vendruscolo, Michele Hot sandpiles. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 35 (7). pp. 481-486. ISSN 0295-5075 (1996)

Caldarelli, Guido and Tebaldi, Claudio and Stella, Attilio Branching processes and evolution at the ends of a food chain. Physical Review Letters, 76 (26). pp. 4983-4986. ISSN 0031-9007 (1996)

Catoni, Maria Luisa Cercando le Olimpiadi. In: I greci : storia, cultura, arte, società : noi e i Greci. Einaudi, Torino, pp. 539-609. ISBN 88-06-14020-5 (1996)

Chen, Xiao Jun and De Nicola, Rocco Algebraic Characterizations of Decorated Trace Equivalences over Tree-Like Structures. In: Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 1996). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1099 . Springer, pp. 63-74. ISBN 3-540-61440-0 (1996)

Corradini, Flavio and De Nicola, Rocco On Four Partial Ordering Semantics for a Process Calculus. Fundamenta Informaticae, 27 (4). pp. 349-383. ISSN 1875-8681 (1996)


De Nicola, Rocco and Pugliese, Rosario A Process Algebra Based on LINDA. In: Coordination Languages and Models (COORDINATION 1996). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1061 . Springer, pp. 160-178. ISBN 3-540-61052-9 (1996)

De Nicola, Rocco and Smolka, Scott A. Concurrency: Theory and Practice. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) - Special issue: position statements on strategic directions in computing research, 28 (4es). p. 52. ISSN 0360-0300 (1996)


Gattei, Stefano Critica della ragione incerta. Introduzione al pensiero di Karl Popper. La cornice . Società Aperta, Roma. ISBN 978-8886918039 (1996)


Lattanzi, Nicola Differenti prospettive di interpretazione del processo di genesi del gruppo di imprese: un confronto fra logica e finalità. In: I gruppi di società: convegno internazionale di studi, 16-18 Novembre 1997, Venezia, Italia pp. 1473-1488. (1996)

Lattanzi, Nicola Il significato del processo di formazione del gruppo. Il risparmio. pp. 835-861. ISSN 0035-5615 (1996)


Marsili, Matteo and Caldarelli, Guido and Vendruscolo, Michele Quenched disorder, memory, and self-organization. Physical Review E, 53 (1). R13-R16. ISSN 1539-3755 (1996)


Pietrini, Pietro In tema di esplorazione funzionale del cervello: la tomografia ad emissione di positroni. Problemi in psichiatria, 11. pp. 65-69. (1996)

Pietrini, Pietro and Furey, Maura L. and Graff-Radford, Neill R. and Freo, Ulderico and Alexander, Gene E. and Grady, Cheryl L. and Dani, Alessio and Mentis, Marc J. and Schapiro, Mark B. Preferential metabolic involvement of visual cortical areas in a subtype of Alzheimer's disease: clinical implications. American Journal of Psychiatry, 153 (10). pp. 1261-1268. ISSN 0002-953X (1996)

Pietrini, Pietro and Gemignani, Angelo and Guazzelli, Mario Sulla lateralizzazione emisferica cerebrale. Basi anatomiche, aspetti funzionali ed implicazioni cliniche. Problemi in psichiatria, 10. pp. 2-9. (1996)


Rios, Paolo and Caldarelli, Guido and Maritan, Amos and Seno, Flavio Optimal path and directed percolation. Physical Review E, 53 (3). R2029-R2032. ISSN 1539-3755 (1996)

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