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Uniform Labeled Transition Systems for Nondeterministic, Probabilistic, and Stochastic Processes

Bernardo, Marco and De Nicola, Rocco and Loreti, Michele Uniform Labeled Transition Systems for Nondeterministic, Probabilistic, and Stochastic Processes. In: Trustworthly Global Computing (TGC 2010). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6084 . Springer, pp. 35-56. ISBN 978-3-642-15639-7 (2010)

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Rate transition systems (RTS) are a special kind of transition systems introduced for defining the stochastic behavior of processes and for associating continuous-time Markov chains with process terms. The transition relation assigns to each process, for each action, the set of possible futures paired with a measure indicating the rates at which they are reached. RTS have been shown to be a uniform model for providing an operational semantics to many stochastic process algebras. In this paper, we define Uniform Labeled TRAnsition Systems (ULTraS) as a generalization of RTS that can be exploited to uniformly describe also nondeterministic and probabilistic variants of process algebras. We then present a general notion of behavioral relation for ULTraS that can be instantiated to capture bisimulation and trace equivalences for fully nondeterministic, fully probabilistic, and fully stochastic processes.

Item Type: Book Section
Identification Number: 10.1007/978-3-642-15640-3_3
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics > QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science
Research Area: Computer Science and Applications
Depositing User: Rocco De Nicola
Date Deposited: 23 May 2011 14:22
Last Modified: 11 Jul 2011 14:36
URI: http://eprints.imtlucca.it/id/eprint/271

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