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Items where Research Area is "Economics and Institutional Change" and Year is 2014

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Number of items: 103.


Alessio, Silvia and Taricco, Carla and Rubinetti, Sara and Vivaldo, Gianna and Mancuso, Salvatore Temperature and precipitation in Northeast China during the last 150 years: relationship to large-scale climatic variability. Annales Geophysicae, 32 (7). pp. 749-760. ISSN 1432-0576 (2014)

Allegrini, Marco and Giannetti, Riccardo and Lattanzi, Nicola and Lazzini, Simone (a cura di) Elementi di bilancio e di management. Strumenti manageriali per il governo economico dell'azienda. Vol. 2. G. Giappichelli Editore, Torino, pp. 1-239. ISBN 9788834853191 (2014)

Altomonte, Carlo and Barattieri, Alessandro and Rungi, Armando Import Penetration, Intermediate Inputs and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Firms. Rivista italiana degli economisti, 55 (1). pp. 45-66. ISSN 1593-8662 (2014)

Altomonte, Carlo and Rungi, Armando Global supply chains and international competitiveness. Working Paper #4/2014 Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies. Research Paper RSCAS

Anagnostopoulos, Aris and Bessi, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Del Vicario, Michela and Petroni, Fabio and Scala, Antonio and Zollo, Fabiana and Quattrociocchi, Walter Viral misinformation: the role of homophily and polarization. Working Paper # /2014 ArXiv (Unpublished)

Battiston, Stefano and Caldarelli, Guido Financial Networks. In: Networks of networks: the last frontier of complexity. Understanding complex systems, 3 . Springer , pp. 311-321. ISBN 978-3-319-03518-5 (2014)

Belmonte, Alessandro and Di Clemente, Riccardo and Buldyrev, Sergey V. The Italian primary school-size distribution and the city-size: a complex nexus. Scientific Reports, 4 (5301). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2045-2322 (2014)

Bertelli, Linda Immagini senza quadro: esperienza e rappresentazione nell'opera di Henri Bergson. Morfologie, 43 . Mimesis. ISBN 978-88-5751-331-7 (2014)

Berti, Patrizia and Crimaldi, Irene and Pratelli, Luca and Rigo, Pietro An Anscombe-type theorem. Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 196 (1). pp. 15-22. ISSN 1072-3374 (2014)

Bessi, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Del Vicario, Michela and Scala, Antonio and Quattrociocchi, Walter Social Determinants of Content Selection in the Age of (Mis)Information. In: Social Informatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8851 . Springer, pp. 259-268. ISBN 978-3-319-13733-9 (2014)

Bessi, Alessandro and Coletto, Mauro and Davidescu, George Alexandru and Scala, Antonio and Caldarelli, Guido and Quattrociocchi, Walter Science vs Conspiracy: collective narratives in the age of (mis)information. Working Paper # /2014 ArXiv (Unpublished)

Bilancini, Ennio and Boncinelli, L. Game Theory. In: Game design : gioco e giocare tra teoria e progetto. Pearson Italia, pp. 93-112. ISBN 978-8865183700 (2014)

Bilancini, Ennio and Boncinelli, Leonardo Instrumental cardinal concerns for social status in two-sided matching with non-transferable utility. European Economic Review, 67. pp. 174-189. ISSN 0014-2921 (2014)

Bonfreschi, Lucia Debré, Michel; Balladur, Edouard; etc. In: P. Craveri, U. Morelli e G. Quagliariello (eds.), Dizionario dell’integrazione europea. Rubbettino, Soveria Manelli. (In Press) (2014)

Bonfreschi, Lucia Il fenomeno leghista e la Lega Nord. In: G. Orsina (ed.) Storia delle destre nell’Italia repubblicana. Storia politica . Rubbettino. ISBN 9788849841107 (2014)

Bonfreschi, Lucia The RPR and the European integration process: political divisions and strategies for the reacquisition of power, 1976-1992. In: G. Orsina, A. Varsori (eds.), European political families and parties and the European integration, 1945-1992. Peter Lang, Brussels. (In Press) (2014)

Bonfreschi, Lucia Raymond Aron e il gollismo, 1940-1969. Storia politica (43). Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli. ISBN 978-88-498-2580-0 (2014)

Bonfreschi, Lucia and Maccaferri, Marzia Intellectuals and the Cold War in Britain and France. Routledge Studies in Modern European History . Routledge. ISBN 978-1138013858 (In Press) (2014)

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Systemic importance of financial institutions: from a global to a local perspective? A network theory approach. EIC working paper series #9/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Bonollo, Michele and Crimaldi, Irene and Flori, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Systemic importance of financial institutions: regulations, research, open issues, proposals. EIC working paper series #2/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Caldarelli, Guido and Chessa, Alessandro and Pammolli, Fabio and Pompa, Gabriele and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riccaboni, Massimo and Riotta, Gianni A multi-level geographical study of Italian political elections from Twitter Data. PloS One, 9 (5). e95809. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo Além do Estado: o surgimento da administração global. Revista de Direito Administrativo, 267. pp. 13-39. ISSN 2238-5177 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo "Down the rabbit-hole": the projection of the public/private distinction beyond the state. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 12 (2). pp. 402-428. ISSN 1474-2640 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo Il nuovo statuto giuridico dei musei italiani. Aedon, 3. ISSN 1127-1345 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo La tutela e la valorizzazione dei beni culturali. In: Il diritto dell’arte, vol. 3: La protezione del patrimonio artistico (a cura di G. Negri Clementi e S. Stabile). Saggi . Skira, pp. 13-26. ISBN 885722627 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo La valorizzazione del paesaggio. Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 2. pp. 385-396. ISSN 0557-1464 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo “Le parole e le cose”: la nozione giuridica di bene culturale nella legislazione regionale. Giornale di diritto amministrativo, 3. pp. 257-265. ISSN 1591-559X (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo Solidarity between States in the Global Legal Space. Revue européenne de droit public, 26 (1). p. 91. ISSN 1105-1590 (2014)

Casini, Lorenzo A proposito di «The Law of Global Governance» di Eyal Benvenisti. Einbahnstraße? L’«immagine» giuridica della globalizzazione. Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 2014 (4). pp. 937-943. ISSN 0557-1464 (2014)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena The Psoe europeanism from an antifronchoist choice to the socialdemocratic transformation of the Party (1977-1992). In: European Political Cultures and Parties and the European integration process (1945-1992). Peter Lang. (In Press) (2014)

Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Network communities within and across borders. Scientific Reports, 4. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2045-2322 (2014)

Cerina, Federica and Zhu, Zhen and Chessa, Alessandro and Riccaboni, Massimo World input-output network. EIC working paper series #6/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Chessa, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Damiano, Alfonso and Scala, Antonio Integrating the electric grid and the commuter network through a “Vehicle to Grid” concept: a Complex Networks Theory approach. In: IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, 17-19 December, 2014, Florence pp. 1-5. ISBN 978-1-4799-6075-0. (2014)

Chessa, Alessandro and Crimaldi, Irene and Riccaboni, Massimo and Trapin, Luca Cluster analysis of weighted bipartite networks: a new copula-based approach. EIC working paper series #3/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Chessa, Alessandro and Crimaldi, Irene and Riccaboni, Massimo and Trapin, Luca Cluster analysis of weighted bipartite networks: a new copula-based approach. PloS One, 9 (10). e109507. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Cimini, Giulio and Gabrielli, Andrea and Sylos Labini, Francesco The Scientific Competitiveness of Nations. PloS One, 9 (12). e113470. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Cimini, Giulio and Sánchez, Angel Learning dynamics explains human behaviour in Prisoner’s Dilemma on networks. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 11 (94). ISSN 1742-5689 (2014)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. Aspettando la “primavera della seta” in Asia Centrale. Rivista di studi politici, XXVI (1). pp. 125-146. ISSN 1120-4036 (2014)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. Review of "Changing urban landscapes. Eastern European and post-soviet cities since 1989". Europe-Asia Studies, 66 (8). pp. 1386-1388. ISSN 0966-8136 (2014)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. (Review of) State erosion. Unlootable resources and unruly elites in Central Asia. Europe-Asia Studies, 66 (10). pp. 1742-1744. ISSN 0966-8136 (2014)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. Uzbekistan, a key player in the post 2014 scenario. ISPI. Analysis, 263 (June). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2281-3152 (2014)

Dal Maso, Carlo and Pompa, Gabriele and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riotta, Gianni and Chessa, Alessandro Voting Behavior, Coalitions and Government Strength through a Complex Network Analysis. PloS One, 9 (12). e116046. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Dal Maso, Carlo and Pompa, Gabriele and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riotta, Gianni and Chessa, Alessandro Voting behavior, coalitions and government strength through a complex network analysis. EIC working paper series #10/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Dal Maso, Lorenzo and Lattanzi, Nicola Local firms’ strategies and cluster coopetition in Tuscany: the case of “Toscana Promozione” Agency. Problems and Perspectives in Management, 12 (1). pp. 131-141. ISSN 1810-5467 (2014)

De Montis, Andrea and Caschili, Simone and Chessa, Alessandro Recent development of complex network analysis in spatial planning. In: The Geography of Networks and R&D Collaborations. Advances in spatial science: the regional science series . Springer, pp. 29-47. ISBN 978-3-319-02698-5 (2014)

Deck, Alan and Deck, Cary and Zhu, Zhen Decision making in a sequential game: the case of pitting in NASCAR. Journal of Sports Economics, 15 (2). pp. 132-149. ISSN 1527-0025 (2014)

Demeter, Laura Assessing the cultural value of the communist legacy in Romania. In: Heritage 2014: proceedings of the 4th International Conference th on Heritage and Sustainable Development,. Green Lines Istitute for sustainable development, pp. 531-540. ISBN 978-989-98013-6-3 (2014)

Demeter, Laura Value creation mechanisms and the heritisation of the communist legacy in Romania. In: The Right to [World] Heritage: conference proceedings. IAWHP, pp. 8-20. ISBN 978-3-00-047536-8 (2014)

Di Clemente, Riccardo and Chiarotti, Guido L. and Cristelli, Matthieu and Tacchella, Andrea and Pietronero, Luciano Diversification versus specialization in complex ecosystems. PloS One, 9 (11). e112525. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Distefano, Tiziano and Riccaboni, Massimo and Marin, Giovanni Global Virtual Water Trade: integrating Structural Decomposition Analysis with Network Theory. EIC working paper series #8/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Foschi, Rachele and Riccaboni, Massimo and Schiavo, Stefano Preferential attachment in multiple trade networks. Physical Review E, 90. 022817. ISSN 1539-3755 (2014)

Gattei, Stefano On Tycho’s shoulders, with Vesalius’ eyes: speaking images in the engraved frontispiece of Kepler’s Tabulae Rudolphinae. In: Tintenfass und Teleskop: Galileo Galilei im Schnittpunkt wissenschaftlicher, literarischer und visueller Kulturen im europäischen 17. Jahrhundert. Walter De Gruyter, pp. 337-368. ISBN 9783110314977 (2014)

Gattei, Stefano An original fake: closing the debate on Flammarion's engraving. In: Fakes!? Hoaxes, Counterfeits and Deception in Early Modern Science (edited by M. Beretta and M. Conforti). Science History Publications, pp. 226-265. ISBN 0-88135-495-3 (2014)

Gianfagna, Laura Rating and Pricing: State of the art for the proposal of new methodologies. In: LCBR Finance and Economics Conference, August 13-15, 2014, Munich, Germany (2014)

Gianfagna, Laura and Ferra, Emi International frameworks and initiatives for business conduct in fragile and conflict states "The role of Institutions and culture for fragile firms in Bosnia-Herzegovina". Working Paper Maastricht School of Management

Jevtić, Petar and Regis, Luca Assessing the solvency of insurance portfolios via a continuous time cohort model. EIC working paper series #7/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Jo, Hang-Hyun and Perotti, Juan I. and Kaski, Kimmo and Kertész, János Analytically solvable model of spreading dynamics with non-Poissonian processes. Physical Review X, 4. 011041. ISSN 2160-3308 (2014)

Lattanzi, Nicola Azienda, conduzione familiare e scenari competitivi. In: Azienda familiare e scenari competitivi. Percorsi strategici, governo e misurazione del valore economico. Arance Editrice Internazionale, Roma, pp. 13-59. ISBN 978-88-548-7627-9 (2014)

Lattanzi, Nicola (a cura di) Azienda familiare e scenari competitivi. Aracne Editrice Internazionale, Roma, pp. 1-202. ISBN 978-88-548-7627-9 (2014)

Lattanzi, Nicola and Agliata, Francesco Continuità economica e crisi aziendale. In: La valutazione della aziende in crisi. Giuffrè editore, Milano, pp. 39-80. ISBN 978-8814203503 (2014)

Liao, Hao and Xiao, Rui and Cimini, Giulio and Medo, Matúš Network-Driven Reputation in Online Scientific Communities. PloS One, 9 (12). e112022. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Luciano, Elisa and Regis, Luca Efficient versus inefficient hedging strategies in the presence of financial and longevity (value at) risk. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 55. pp. 68-77. ISSN 0167-6687 (2014)

Masala, Antonio Il conservatorismo britannico dalla Thatcher a Cameron. Working Paper # /2014 Fondazione Magna Carta (Unpublished)

Masala, Antonio L’eredità di Bruno Leoni. In: Libertas, Libertates. Bruno Leoni nel centenario della nascita. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli. (In Press) (2014)

Masala, Antonio The Moral Order of Classical Liberalism. In: Re-Inventing Western Civilisation: Transnational Reconstructions of Liberalism in Europe in the Twentieth Century. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge. (In Press) (2014)

Masala, Antonio Riflessioni sul potere. Un confronto tra Bruno Leoni e Michael Foucault. In: Le ragioni della libertà. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli. (In Press) (2014)

Mastrandrea, Rossana and Squartini, Tiziano and Fagiolo, Giorgio and Garlaschelli, Diego Enhanced reconstruction of weighted networks from strengths and degrees. New Journal of Physics, 16 (4). 043022. ISSN 1367-2630 (2014)

Mastrandrea, Rossana and Squartini, Tiziano and Fagiolo, Giorgio and Garlaschelli, Diego Reconstructing the world trade multiplex: The role of intensive and extensive biases. Physical Review E, 90. 062804. ISSN 1539-3755 (2014)

Metulini, Rodolfo and Sgrignoli, Paolo and Schiavo, Stefano and Riccaboni, Massimo The migration network effect on international trade. EIC working paper series #5/2014 ISSN 2279-6894.

Morescalchi, Andrea and Pammolli, Fabio and Penner, Orion and Petersen, Alexander M. and Riccaboni, Massimo The evolution of networks of innovators within and across borders: Evidence from patent data. EIC working paper series #1/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

Morrison, Greg and Giovanis, Eleftherios and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Border sensitive centrality in global patent citation networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 2 (4). pp. 518-536. ISSN 2051-1310 (2014)

Mureddu, Mario and Damiano, Alfonso and Musio, M. and Caldarelli, Guido and Chessa, Alessandro and Scala, Antonio An agent based approach for the development of EV fleet Charging Strategies in Smart Cities. In: IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, 17-19 December, 2014, Florence ISBN 978-1-4799-6075-0. (In Press) (2014)

Nicola, Lattanzi and Lorenzo, Dal Maso Family Business Strategies for Emerging Markets, Territorial Identity and Cooperation with Institution: the Italian Case of Nautical Cluster Coopetition in Tuscany. In: 4th Conference of the International Network of Business & Management Journals, June 24-27, 2014, Barcelona, Spain pp. 1-20. (2014)

Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano and Scheve, Kenneth and Stasavage, David Technology and the Era of the Mass Army. Journal of Economic History, 74 (2). pp. 449-481. ISSN 0022-0507 (2014)

Pammolli, Fabio On Innovation, Instability, and Growth. A Review and an Interpretative Framework. Economia politica (1). pp. 17-32. ISSN 1120-2890 (2014)

Pavlidis, Ioannis and Petersen, Alexander M. and Semendeferi, Ioanna Together We Stand. Nature Physics, 10. pp. 700-702. ISSN 1745-2473 (2014)

Pavlidis, Ioannis and Petersen, Alexander M. and Semendeferi, Ioanna Together we stand. Nature Physics, 10 (10). pp. 700-702. ISSN 1745-2473 (2014)

Pellegrini, Emanuele Digital Humanities, Digital Art History: perché un disegno leonardesco assomiglia a un tappeto svedese? Predella, 33. pp. 327-349. ISSN 1827-8655 (2014)

Pellegrini, Emanuele L’intellettuale tra politica e cultura: il caso Ragghianti. In: Argan et Chastel : L'historien de l'art, savant et politique : le rôle des historiens de l'art dans les politiques culturelles françaises et italiennes. Éditions Mare & Martin, pp. 67-78. ISBN 9791092054262 (2014)

Perotti, Juan I. and Jo, Hang-Hyun and Holme, Peter and Saramäki, Jari Temporal network sparsity and the slowing down of spreading. Working Paper # /2014 ArXiv (Unpublished)

Petersen, Alexander M. and Fortunato, Santo and Pan, Raj K. and Kaski, Kimmo and Penner, Orion and Rungi, Armando and Riccaboni, Massimo and Stanley, H. Eugene and Pammolli, Fabio Reputation and impact in academic careers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111 (43). pp. 15316-15321. ISSN 1091-6490 (2014)

Petersen, Alexander M. and Pavlidis, Ioannis and Semendeferi, Ioanna A quantitative perspective on ethics in large team science. Science and Engineering Ethics. ISSN 1353-3452 (2014)

Petersen, Alexander M. and Penner, Orion Inequality and cumulative advantage in science careers: a case study of high-impact journals. EPJ Data Science, 3 (24). pp. 1-25. (2014)

Puliga, Michelangelo and Caldarelli, Guido and Battiston, Stefano Credit Default Swaps networks and systemic risk. Scientific Reports, 4. p. 6822. ISSN 2045-2322 (2014)

Quattrociocchi, Walter and Caldarelli, Guido and Scala, Antonio Opinion dynamics on interacting networks: media competition and social influence. Scientific Reports, 4. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2045-2322 (2014)

Regis, Luca and Luciano, Elisa Risk-return appraisal of longevity swaps. In: Pension and Longevity Risk Transfer for Institutional Investors. Institutional Investor Journals, pp. 99-108. (2014)

Regis, Luca and Pammolli, Fabio Demography, sustainability and growth. Notes on the sustainability of health and pension systems in Europe. In: Portrait of a health economist. Essays by colleagues and friends of Bengt Jönsson. IHE - The Swedish Institute for Health Economics, pp. 125-133. ISBN 978-91-88042-24-8 (2014)

Riccaboni, Massimo and Schiavo, Stefano Stochastic trade networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 2 (4). pp. 537-556. ISSN 2051-1310 (2014)

Scala, Antonio and Auconi, Pietro and Scazzocchio, Marco and Caldarelli, Guido and McNamara, James A. and Franchi, Lorenzo Complex networks for data-driven medicine: the case of Class III dentoskeletal disharmony. New Journal of Physics, 16 (11). p. 115017. ISSN 1367-2630 (2014)

Scala, Antonio and Caldarelli, Guido and Chessa, Alessandro and Damiano, Alfonso and Mureddu, Mario and Pahwa, Sakshi and Scoglio, Caterina and Quattrociocchi, Walter Power grids, smart grids and complex networks. In: Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems: from nano to macro scale. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security . Springer, pp. 97-110. ISBN 978-94-017-8703-1 (2014)

Schaigorodsky, Ana L. and Perotti, Juan I. and Billoni, Orlando V. Memory and long-range correlations in chess games. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 394. 304 - 311. ISSN 0378-4371 (2014)

Schulz, Christian and Mazloumian, Amin and Petersen, Alexander M. and Penner, Orion and Helbing, Dirk Exploiting citation networks for large-scale author name disambiguation. EPJ Data Science, 3 (11). pp. 1-14. (2014)

Sincic, Mateja Do you remember Milena and Merlinka? Gender Imagery from the Yugoslav Supra Nationalism to the Super Nationalisms and War in the Nineties. West Croatian history journal, 8. pp. 133-149. ISSN 1846-3223 (2014)

Squartini, Tiziano and Garlaschelli, Diego Jan Tinbergen’s Legacy for Economic Networks: From the Gravity Model to Quantum Statistics. In: Econophysics of Agent-Based Models. New Economic Windows (8). Springer, pp. 161-186. ISBN 978-3-319-00023-7 (2014)

Squartini, Tiziano and Garlaschelli, Diego Stationarity, non-stationarity and early warning signals in economic networks. Journal of Complex Networks. ISSN 2051-1310 (In Press) (2014)

Squartini, Tiziano and Picciolo, Francesco and Ruzzenenti, Franco and Garlaschelli, Diego and Basosi, Riccardo Disentangling spatial and non-spatial effects in real networks. In: Complex networks and their applications. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 1-38. ISBN 978-1-4438-5370-5 (2014)

Vardar, Gülin and Aydoğan, Berna and Seven, Ünal The competitive conditions of the banking industry in the post-crises period: an analysis of Turkish banks. Iktisat Isletme ve Finans, 29 (339). pp. 49-68. ISSN 1300-610X (2014)

Wen, Xue Endogenous Labor Supply, Economic Growth and Demographic Change in Pay-as-you-go and Fully-Funded Pension Systems. In: XXVI Conferenza SIEP, September 25th-26th, 2014, Pavia, Italy (Unpublished) (2014)

Wen, Xue A Probabilistic Voting Model of Social Security: The Role of Myopic Agents. In: The 2014 Meeting of the European Public Choice Society, April 3 to April 6 2014, Cambridge, England (Submitted) (2014)

Wen, Xue Social Security in a Two-Country Model with Myopic Agents. In: The 2014 Annual Conference of the Association for Public Economic Theory, July 11-July 13, 2014, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON (Unpublished) (2014)

Zhu, Zhen and Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Riccaboni, Massimo The rise of China in the international trade network: a community core detection approach. EIC working paper series #4/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca

Zhu, Zhen and Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Caldarelli, Guido and Riccaboni, Massimo The rise of China in the international trade network: a community core detection approach. PloS One, 9 (8). e105496. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Zhu, Zhen and Puliga, Michelangelo and Cerina, Federica and Chessa, Alessandro and Riccaboni, Massimo Global value trees. EIC working paper series #11/2014 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.

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