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Belmonte, Alessandro and Rochlitz, Michael Collective Memories, Propaganda and Authoritarian Political Support. Working Paper National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE) - Series Political Science - WP BRP 43/PS/2017 (Unpublished)

Sincic, Mateja Post-Yugoslavia. New Cultural and Political Perspectives, edited by Dino Abazović and Mitja Velikonja. Southeastern Europe, 41 (3). pp. 365-367. ISSN 1876-3332 (2017)


Cucciolla, Riccardo M. The Importance of Understanding Contemporary Russia (preface). In: The Power State is Back? The Evolution of Russian Political Though After 1991. Reset, pp. 11-21. ISBN 9788898593163 (2016)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. (A cura di) The power state is back? The evolution of russian political thought after 1991. Reset. ISBN 9788898593163 (2016)


Cucciolla, Riccardo M. Review of "Changing urban landscapes. Eastern European and post-soviet cities since 1989". Europe-Asia Studies, 66 (8). pp. 1386-1388. ISSN 0966-8136 (2014)

Cucciolla, Riccardo M. (Review of) State erosion. Unlootable resources and unruly elites in Central Asia. Europe-Asia Studies, 66 (10). pp. 1742-1744. ISSN 0966-8136 (2014)

Dal Maso, Carlo and Pompa, Gabriele and Puliga, Michelangelo and Riotta, Gianni and Chessa, Alessandro Voting Behavior, Coalitions and Government Strength through a Complex Network Analysis. PloS One, 9 (12). e116046. ISSN 1932-6203 (2014)

Masala, Antonio Riflessioni sul potere. Un confronto tra Bruno Leoni e Michael Foucault. In: Le ragioni della libertà. Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli. (In Press) (2014)

Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano and Scheve, Kenneth and Stasavage, David Technology and the Era of the Mass Army. Journal of Economic History, 74 (2). pp. 449-481. ISSN 0022-0507 (2014)


Balestracci, Fiammetta Review of Elena Tonezzer, Il corpo, il confine, la patria. Associazionismo sportivo in Trentino (1870-1914). Austrian history yearbook, 44 (4). pp. 336-337. ISSN 0067-2378 (2013)

Bénabou, Roland and Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea Forbidden fruits: the political economy of science, religion, and growth. Working Paper # /2013 (Unpublished)

Masala, Antonio I Padri Costituenti. Bruno Leoni. I Padri Costituenti, 23 . Sole 24 Ore, Milano. (2013)

Ticchi, Davide and Verdier, Thierry and Vindigni, Andrea Democracy, dictatorship and the cultural transmission of political values. Discussion Paper #7741/2013 IZA Discussion paper


Balestracci, Fiammetta [recensione a] Franco Milanesi, Ribelli e borghesi. Nazionalbolscevismo e rivoluzione conservatrice 1914-1933. Zapruder. StorieInMovimento, 29. ISSN 1723-0020 (2012)

Balestracci, Fiammetta and Ricciardi, Ferrucci Il nome della cosa. Classificare, schedare, discriminare. Zapruder. StorieInMovimento, 29. ISSN 1723-0020 (2012)

Onorato, Massimiliano Gaetano and Scheve, Kenneth and Stasavage, David Technology and the Era of the Mass Army. EIC working paper series #5/2012 IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca ISSN 2279-6894.


Baccini, Leonardo and Duer, Andreas The New Regionalism and Policy Interdependency. British Journal of Political Science. pp. 1-23. ISSN 0007-1234 (2011)

Baccini, Leonardo and Duer, Andreas and Elsig, Manfred and Milewicz, Karolina The Design of Preferential Trade Agreements. World Trade Organization, World Trade Report: "Preferential Trade Agreements and the WTO: A New Era", 2011. (2011)

Baccini, Leonardo and Urpelainen, Johannes Democratization, New Leaders, and the Need for Economic Reform: Can Preferential Trading Agreements Help? Working Paper # /2011 (Unpublished)

Balestracci, Fiammetta Zwischen ideologischer Diversifikation und politisch-kulturellem Pragmatismus. Die Beziehung zwischen der Partito Comunista Italiano und der SED (1968-1989). In: (edited by A. Bauerkämper and F. Di Palma) Bruderparteien jenseits des Eisernen Vorhangs. Die Beziehungen der SED zu den kommunistischen Parteien West- und Südeuropas (1968-1989). Forschungen zur DDR-Gesellschaft . Links Christoph Verlag, Berlin, pp. 167-185. ISBN 9783861536581 (2011)

Balestracci, Fiammetta [recensione a] Emma Scaramuzza (ed.), Politica e amicizia. Relazioni, conflitti e differenze di genere (1860-1915). Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-germanico in Trento, 2. ISSN 0392-0011 (2011)

Balestracci, Fiammetta [review of] Gunilla Budde, Eckart Conze e Cornelia Rauh (hg.), Bürgertum nach dem bürgerlichem Zeitalter. Leitbilder und Praxis seit 1945. Annali dell'Istituto Storico Italo-germanico in Trento, 1. ISSN 0392-0011 (2011)


Acemoglu, Daron and Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea A theory of military dictatorships. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 2 (1). pp. 1-42. ISSN 1945-7707 (2010)

Baccini, Leonardo and Duer, Andreas Investment Discrimination and the Proliferation of Preferential Trade Agreements. Working Paper (Unpublished)

Baccini, Leonardo and Koenig-Archibugi, Mathias Why Do States Commit to International Labour Standards? The Importance of “Rivalry” and “Friendship”. Working Paper The London School of Economics and Political Science, Political Science and Political Economy Group

Baccini, Leonardo and Urpelainen, Johannes Easing the Pain of Adjustment? Preferential Trading Agreements, Foreign Aid, and Credible Commitment to Economic Reform. Working Paper (Submitted)

Balestracci, Fiammetta Cyberpunk. Le reti alternative tra Italia e Germania. Zapruder. StorieInMovimento, 21. pp. 8-23. ISSN 1723-0020 (2010)

Katz, Jonathan N. and Katz, Gabriel Correcting for Survey Misreports Using Auxiliary Information with an Application to Estimating Turnout. American Journal of Political Science, 54 (3). pp. 815-835. ISSN 00925853 (2010)

Melton, James Credibly Committing to Property Rights: The Roles of Precedent and the Constitution. Working Paper (Unpublished)

Melton, James Why is Voting Habit-Forming: Evidence from Sweden. Working Paper (Unpublished)

Melton, James and Elkins, Zachary and Ginsburg, Tom On the Interpretability of Law: Lessons from the Decoding of National Constitutions. Working Paper Political Concepts, Committee on Concepts and Methods Working Paper Series

Pemstein, Daniel and Meserve, Stephen A. and Melton, James Democratic Compromise: A Latent Variable Analysis of Ten Measures of Regime Type. Political Analysis, 18 (4). pp. 426-449. ISSN 1047-1987 (2010)

Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea Endogenous constitutions. Economic Journal, 120 (543). pp. 1-39. ISSN 0013-0133 (2010)


Balestracci, Fiammetta Rileggere gli anni '80 attraverso l'attivismo radicale [recensione a: Beppe De Sario, Resistenze innaturali. Attivismo radicale nell'Italia degli anni '80]. Italia contemporanea, 254. pp. 135-139. ISSN 0392-1077 (2009)


Elkins, Zachary and Ginsburg, Tom and Melton, James Military Occupations and Their Constitutional Residual. APSA-CP Newsletter, 19 (2). pp. 7-10. (2008)

Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea War and endogenous democracy. Discussion Paper # /2008 IZA Discussion paper


Mobilia, M. and Petersen, Alexander M. and Redner, S. On the role of zealotry in the voter model. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2007 (08). P08029. ISSN 1742-5468 (2007)

Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea An economic theory of constitutional choice. CESifo DICE Repor, 5 (3). pp. 12-16. ISSN 1613-6373 (2007)


Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea On wars and political development. The role of international conflicts in the democratization of the West. Working Paper # /2006 Institute of Governmental Studies. UC Berkeley

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