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Number of items at this level: 98.


Chen, Zhaofu and Soyak, Eren and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. Application aware approach to compression and transmission of H.264 compressed video for automated and centralized transportation surveillance. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. ISSN 1524-9050 (Submitted) (2013)

Das, Anup and Merrett, Geoff V. and Tribastone, Mirco and Al-Hashimi, Bashir M. Workload Change Point Detection for Runtime Thermal Management of Embedded Systems. IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 35 (8). pp. 1358-1371. ISSN 0278-0070 (2016)

Dharmakumar, Rohan and Zhang, Zheng and Koktzoglou, Ioannis and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Li, Debiao Dual-contrast cellular magnetic resonance imaging. Molecular imaging, 8 (5). pp. 254-263. ISSN 1535-3508 (2009)

Doganis, Philip and Alexandridis, Alex and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos Time series sales forecasting for short shelf-life food products based on artificial neural networks and evolutionary computing. Journal of Food Engineering, 75 (2). pp. 196-204. ISSN 0260-8774 (2006)

Donkers, M.C.F. and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto and Shneer, Vsevolod Stability analysis of stochastic networked control systems. Automatica, 48 (5). pp. 917-925. ISSN 0005-1098 (2012)

Fioravanti, Fabio and Pettorossi, Alberto and Proietti, Maurizio and Senni, Valerio Controlling Polyvariance for Specialization-based Verification. Fundamenta Informaticae, 124 (4). pp. 483-502. ISSN 1875-8681 (2013)

Fioravanti, Fabio and Pettorossi, Alberto and Proietti, Maurizio and Senni, Valerio Proving theorems by program transformation. Fundamenta Informaticae, 127 (1-4). pp. 115-134. ISSN 1875-8681 (2013)

Fioravanti, Fabio and Proietti, Maurizio and Senni, Valerio Efficient Generation of Test Data Structures using Constraint Logic Programming and Program Transformation. Journal of Logic and Computation. ISSN 0955-792X (2013)

Giachino, Elena and Lanese, Ivan and Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Tiezzi, Francesco Causal-consistent rollback in a tuple-based language. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 88. pp. 99-120. ISSN 2352-2208 (2017)

Hardy, Barry and Douglas, Nicki and Helma, Christoph and Rautenberg, Micha and Jeliazkova, Nina and Jeliazkov, Vedrin and Nikolova, Ivelina and Benigni, Romualdo and Tcheremenskaia, Olga and Kramer, Stefan and Girschick, Tobias and Buchwald, Fabian and Wicker, Joerg and Karwath, Andreas and Gutlein, Martin and Maunz, Andreas and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Melagraki, Georgia and Afantitis, Antreas and Sopasakis, Pantelis and Gallagher, David and Poroikov, Vladimir and Filimonov, Dmitry and Zakharov, Alexey and Lagunin, Alexey and Gloriozova, Tatyana and Novikov, Sergey and Skvortsova, Natalia and Druzhilovsky, Dmitry and Chawla, Sunil and Ghosh, Indira and Ray, Surajit and Patel, Hitesh and Escher, Sylvia Collaborative development of predictive toxicology applications. Journal of Cheminformatics, 2 (1). p. 7. ISSN 1758-2946 (2010)

Jeliazkova, Nina and Chomenides, Haralambos and Doganis, Philip and Fadeel, Bengt and Grafström, Roland and Hardy, Barry and Hastings, Janna and Hegi, Markus and Jeliazkov, Vedrin and Kochev, Nikolay and Kohonen, Pekka and Munteanu, Cristian and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Smeets, Bart and Sopasakis, Pantelis and Tsiliki, Georgia and Vorgrimmler, David and Willighagen, Egon The eNanoMapper database for nanomaterial safety information. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 6. pp. 1609-1634. ISSN 2190-4286 (2015)

Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Pérez, Jorge A. Reversibility in session-based concurrency: A fresh look. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 90. pp. 2-30. ISSN 2352-2208 (2017)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Alexandridis, Alex and Ninos, Konstantinos and Sarimveis, Haralambos Variable selection in nonlinear modeling based on RBF networks and evolutionary computation. International journal of neural systems, 20 (5). pp. 365-379. ISSN 0129-0657 (2010)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos Convex parametric piecewise quadratic optimization: theory and algorithms. Automatica, 47 (8). pp. 1770-1777. ISSN 0005-1098 (2011)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos A new algorithm for solving convex parametric quadratic programs based on graphical derivatives of solution mappings. Automatica, 46 (9). pp. 1405-1418. ISSN 0005-1098 (2010)

Rusu, Cristian Design of Incoherent Frames via Convex Optimization. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 20 (7). pp. 673-676. ISSN 1070-9908 (2013)

Rusu, Cristian and Morisi, Rita and Boschetto, Davide and Dharmakumar, Rohan and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. Synthetic generation of myocardial blood–oxygen-level-dependent MRI time series via structural sparse decomposition modeling. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 33 (7). pp. 1422-1433. ISSN 0278-0062 (2014)

Scharr, Hanno and Minervini, Massimo and French, Andrew P. and Klukas, Christian and Kramer, David M. and Liu, Xiaoming and Luengo, Imanol and Pape, Jean-Michel and Polder, Gerrit and Vukadinovic, Danijela and Yin, Xi and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. Leaf segmentation in plant phenotyping: a collation study. Machine Vision and Applications, 27 (4). pp. 585-606. ISSN 0932-8092 (2016)

Sopasakis, Pantelis and Sampathirao, Ajay Kumar and Bemporad, Alberto and Patrinos, Panagiotis Uncertainty-aware demand management of water distribution networks in deregulated energy markets. Environmental Modelling & Software, 101. pp. 10-22. ISSN 1364-8152 (2018)

Torrisi, Fabio Danilo and Bemporad, Alberto HYSDEL - A tool for generating computational hybrid models. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 12 (2). pp. 235-249. ISSN 1063-6536 (2004)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Hatzimanikati, Vassily and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. In silico estimation of annealing specificity of query searches in DNA databases. Journal of the Japan society of simulation technology , 24 (4). pp. 268-276. ISSN 0285-9947 (2005)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. Retrieval efficiency of DNA-Based databases of digital signals. IEEE Transactions on nanobioscience, 8 (3). 259 -270. ISSN 1536-1241 (2009)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. and Pappas, Thrasyvoulos N. and Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T. DNA computing from a signal processing viewpoint. IEEE signal processing Magazine, 21 (5). 100 - 106. ISSN 1053-5888 (2004)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. and Pappas, Thrasyvoulos N. and Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T. How can DNA computing be applied to digital signal processing? IEEE signal processing Magazine, 21 (6). 57 - 61. ISSN 1053-5888 (2004)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Offerman, Erik and Edelman, Robert R. and Koktzoglou, Ioannis Fully automated reconstruction of ungated ghost magnetic resonance angiograms. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 31 (3). pp. 655-662. ISSN 1053-1807 (2010)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Visualizing regional myocardial oxygenation changes with statistically optimal colormaps. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 11 (Suppl ). P276. ISSN 1532-429X (2009)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Dharmakumar, Rohan A fully-automated statistical method for characterization of flow artifact presence in cardiac MRI. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 13 (Suppl ). P45. ISSN 1532-429X (2011)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Dharmakumar, Rohan An automated method for left ventricular localization and identification of end-systolic and end-diastolic images from cine cardiac MRI. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 11 (Suppl ). P222. ISSN 1532-429X (2009)

Tschaikowski, Max and Tribastone, Mirco A computational approach to steady-state convergence of fluid limits for Coxian queuing networks with abandonment. Annals of Operations Research, 252 (1). pp. 102-120. ISSN 0254-5330 (2017)

Tschaikowski, Max and Tribastone, Mirco A unified framework for differential aggregations in Markovian process algebra. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 84 (2). pp. 238-258. ISSN 23522208 (2015)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Rundell, Veronica and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Giri, Shivraman and Shah, Saurabh and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Simonetti, Orlando and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan On the mechanism of myocardial edema contrast in T2-STIR images. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 12 (Suppl ). O19. ISSN 1532-429X (2010)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Rundell, Veronica and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Shah, Saurabh and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan T2-weighted STIR imaging of myocardial edema associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury: the influence of proton density effect on image contrast. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 33 (4). pp. 962-967. ISSN 1053-1807 (2011)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Impact of temporal resolution on cardiac phase-resolved oxygen-sensitive myocardial steady-state free precession imaging. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 11 (Suppl ). P178. ISSN 1532-429X (2009)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Artifact-reduced two-dimensional cine steady state free precession for myocardial blood- oxygen-level-dependent imaging. Journal of magnetic resonance imaging, 31 (4). pp. 863-871. ISSN 1053-1807 (2010)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Artifacts-reduced 2D cine SSFP with flow compensation for myocardial BOLD imaging. Journal of cardiovascular magnetic resonance, 12 (Suppl ). P68. ISSN 1532-429X (2010)

Book Section

Abbate, Stefano and Avvenuti, Marco and Biondi, Alessandro and Vecchio, Alessio Estimation of energy consumption in wireless sensor networks using TinyOS 2.x. In: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). IEEE, 842 -843. ISBN 978-1-4244-8789-9 (2011)

Abbate, Stefano and Avvenuti, Marco and Cola, Guglielmo and Corsini, Paolo and Light, Janet and Vecchio, Alessio Recognition of false alarms in fall detection systems. In: Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC). IEEE, 23 -28. ISBN 978-1-4244-8789-9 (2011)

Abbate, Stefano and Avvenuti, Marco and Corsini, Paolo and Light, Janet and Vecchio, Alessio Monitoring of human movements for fall detection and activities recognition in elderly care using wWireless sensor network: a survey. In: Wireless sensor networks: application-centric design. InTech, pp. 1-20. ISBN 978-953-307-321-7 (2010)

Abd Alrahman, Yehia and De Nicola, Rocco and Loreti, Michele On the Power of Attribute-Based Communication. In: Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems. 36th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FORTE 2016, Held as Part of the 11th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2016, Heraklion, Crete, Gr. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9688). Springer, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-319-39570-8 (2016)

Abeywickrama, Dhaminda B. and Combaz, Jacques and Horký, Jaroslav and Kofro\v and Vandin, Andrea and Vassev, Emil Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems: The ASCENS Approach. In: Software Engineering for Collective Autonomic Systems. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8998). Springer International Publishing, pp. 429-448. ISBN 978-3-319-16309-3 (2015)

Andrade, Luis Filipe and Baldan, Paolo and Baumeister, Hubert and Bruni, Roberto and Corradini, Andrea and De Nicola, Rocco and Fiadeiro, Jose Luiz and Gadducci, Fabio and Gnesi, Stefania and Hoffman, Piotr and Koch, Nora and Kosiuczenko, Piotr and Lapadula, Alessandro and Latella, Diego and Lopes, Antonia and Loreti, Michele and Massink, Mieke and Mazzanti, Franco and Montanari, Ugo and Oliveira, Cristóvão and Pugliese, Rosario and Tarlecki, Andrzej and Wermelinger, Michel and Wirsing, Martin and Zawlocki, Artur AGILE: Software Architecture for Mobility. In: Recent Trends in Algebraic Development Techniques (WADT 2002). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2755 . Springer, pp. 1-33. ISBN 3-540-20537-3 (2003)

Andrić, Marina and De Nicola, Rocco and Lafuente, Alberto Lluch Replica-Based High-Performance Tuple Space Computing. In: Coordination Models and Languages.17th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2015, Held as Part of the 10th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2015, Grenoble, France, June 2-4, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9037). Springer, pp. 3-18. ISBN 978-3-319-19282-6 (2015)

Andrić, Marina and De Nicola, Rocco and Lluch Lafuente, Alberto Replicating Data for Better Performances in X10. In: Semantics, Logics, and Calculi. Essays Dedicated to Hanne Riis Nielson and Flemming Nielson on the Occasion of Their 60th Birthdays. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9560). Springer, pp. 236-251. ISBN 978-3-319-27810-0 (2015)

Bettini, Lorenzo and De Nicola, Rocco and Falassi, Daniele and Lacoste, Marc and Lopes, Luis M. B. and Oliveira, Licinio and Paulino, Herve and Vasconcelos, Vasco Thudichum A Software Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Run-Time Systems for Mobile Calculi. In: Global Computing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3267 . Springer, pp. 179-207. ISBN 3-540-24101-9 (2004)

Boreale, Michele and Buscemi, Maria Grazia Experimenting with STA, a Tool for Automatic Analysis of Security Protocols. In: Proceedings of ACM Symposium in Applied Computing (SAC ’02). ACM Press, Madrid, pp. 281-285. ISBN 1-58113-445-2 (2002)

Bruni, Roberto and Corradini, Andrea and Gadducci, Fabio and Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto and Vandin, Andrea Modelling and analyzing adaptive self-assembling strategies with Maude. In: Rewriting Logic and Its Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7571). Springer, pp. 118-138. ISBN 978-3-642-34004-8 (2012)

Buravlev, Vitaly and De Nicola, Rocco and Mezzina, Claudio Antares Tuple Spaces Implementations and Their Efficiency. In: Tuple Spaces Implementations and Their Efficiency : Coordination Models and Languages 18th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, COORDINATION 2016, Held as Part of the 11th International Federated Conference on Distributed Computing Techniques, DisCoTec 2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9686). Springer, pp. 51-66. ISBN 978-3-319-39518-0 (2016)

Ceccarelli, Diego and Lucchese, Claudio and Orlando, Salvatore and Perego, Raffaele and Trani, Salvatore Learning Relatedness Measures for Entity Linking. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on Conference on information & knowledge management. ACM, pp. 139-148. ISBN 978-1-4503-2263-8 (2013)

Ceccarelli, Diego and Lucchese, Claudio and Perego, Raffaele and Orlando, Salvatore and Trani, Salvatore Dexter: an open source framework for entity linking. In: ESAIR '13 Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Exploiting semantic annotations in information retrieval. ACM, pp. 17-20. ISBN 978-1-4503-2413-7 (2013)

Celestini, Alessandro and Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto and Mayer, Philip and Sebastio, Stefano and Tiezzi, Francesco Reputation-based Cooperation in the Clouds. In: Trust Management VIII. Proceedings of the 8th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2014, Singapore, July 7-10, 2014. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (430). Springer, pp. 213-220. ISBN 978-3-662-43812-1 (2014)

De Nicola, Rocco and Maggi, Alessandro and Petrocchi, Marinella and Spognardi, Angelo and Tiezzi, Francesco Twitlang(er): Interactions Modeling Language (and Interpreter) for Twitter. In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. 13th International Conference, SEFM 2015, York, UK, September 7-11, 2015. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9276). Springer, pp. 327-343. ISBN 978-3-319-22969-0 (2015)

De Nicola, Rocco and Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Torres Vieira, Hugo Global Protocol Implementations via Attribute-Based Communication. In: Programming Languages with Applications to Biology and Security. Essays Dedicated to Pierpaolo Degano on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9465). Springer International Publishing, pp. 219-237. ISBN 978-3-319-25527-9 (2015)

Giuffrida, Mario Valerio and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. Rotation-Invariant Restricted Boltzmann Machine Using Shared Gradient Filters. In: Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2016 25th. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, Barcelona, Spain, September 6-9, 2016, Proceedings, Part II. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9887). Springer International Publishing, pp. 480-488. ISBN 978-3-319-44780-3 (2016)

Lattanzi, Nicola Collegamenti tra supporti automatici ed ipotesi dottrinali. In: Lo sviluppo di sistemi intelligenti applicati a problemi economico-aziendali. Il Borghetto, pp. 113-123. (1997)

Medic, Doriana and Mezzina, Claudio Antares Static VS Dynamic Reversibility in CCS. In: Reversible Computation : 8th International Conference, RC 2016, Bologna, Italy, July 7-8, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9720). Springer, pp. 36-51. ISBN 978-3-319-40577-3 (2016)

Sevetlidis, Vasileios and Giuffrida, Mario Valerio and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. Whole Image Synthesis Using a Deep Encoder-Decoder Network. In: Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging. First International Workshop, SASHIMI 2016, Held in Conjunction with MICCAI 2016, Athens, Greece, October 21, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9968). Springer International Publishing, pp. 127-137. ISBN 978-3-319-46629-3 (2016)

Shams, Farshad and Cerone, Antonio and De Nicola, Rocco On Integrating Social and Sensor Networks for Emergency Management. In: Software Engineering and Formal Methods. SEFM 2015 Collocated Workshops: ATSE, HOFM, MoKMaSD, and VERY*SCART, York, UK, September 7-8, 2015. Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9509). Springer, pp. 145-160. ISBN 978-3-662-49224-6 (2015)

Shams, Farshad and Tribastone, Mirco Power Trading Coordination in Smart Grids Using Dynamic Learning and Coalitional Game Theory. In: Quantitative Evaluation of Systems.12th International Conference, QEST 2015, Madrid, Spain, September 1-3, 2015, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9259). Springer, pp. 54-69. ISBN 978-3-319-22264-6 (2015)

Simitopoulos, Dimitrios and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Boulgouris, Nikolaos and Strintzis, Michael Compressed-domain video watermarking of MPEG streams. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2002. ICME '02. IEEE, 569 - 572 vol.1. ISBN 0-7803-7304-9 (2002)

Simitopoulos, Dimitrios and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Boulgouris, Nikolaos and Strintzis, Michael Fast MPEG watermarking for copyright protection. In: 9th International conference on electronics, circuits and systems. IEEE, 1027 - 1030 vol.3. ISBN 0-7803-7596-3 (2002)

Soyak, Eren and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. Quantization optimized H.264 encoding for traffic video tracking applications. In: 17th IEEE international conference on image processing (ICIP). IEEE, 1241 -1244. ISBN 978-1-4244-7993-1 (2010)

Squartini, Tiziano and Garlaschelli, Diego Triadic Motifs and Dyadic Self-Organization in the World Trade Network. In: Self-Organizing Systems. 6th IFIP TC 6 International Workshop, IWSOS 2012, Delft, The Netherlands, March 15-16, 2012. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7166). Springer, pp. 24-35. ISBN 978-3-642-28583-7 (2012)

Tolomei, Gabriele and Orlando, Salvatore and Ceccarelli, Diego and Lucchese, Claudio Twitter anticipates bursts of requests for Wikipedia articles. In: Proceedings of the 2013 workshop on Data-driven user behavioral modelling and mining from social media. ACM, pp. 5-8. ISBN 978-1-4503-2417-5 (2013)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Ahuja, Ramandeep and Shiell, Derek and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. DNA microarray image intensity extraction using Eigenspots. In: International conference on image processing. IEEE, VI -265 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1437-6 (2007)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. and Pappas, Thrasyvoulos N. and Papoutsakis, Eleftherios T. DNA-based matching of digital signals. In: IEEE International conference on acoustics, speech, and signal processing, (ICASSP '04). IEEE, V - 581. ISBN 0-7803-8484-9 (2004)

Uriarte, Rafael Brundo and Tiezzi, Francesco and De Nicola, Rocco Dynamic SLAs for Clouds. In: Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing.5th IFIP WG 2.14 European Conference, ESOCC 2016, Vienna, Austria, September 5-7, 2016, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9846). Springer, pp. 34-49. ISBN 978-3-319-44482-6 (2016)

Vandin, Andrea and Tribastone, Mirco Quantitative Abstractions for Collective Adaptive Systems. In: Formal Methods for the Quantitative Evaluation of Collective Adaptive Systems : 16th International School on Formal Methods for the Design of Computer, Communication, and Software Systems, SFM 2016, Bertinoro, Italy, June 20-24, 2016, Advanced Lectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9700). Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 202-232. ISBN 978-3-319-34095-1 (2016)

Working Paper

Bemporad, Alberto Hybrid Toolbox for MATLAB - User's Guide. Manual # /2003 (Unpublished)

Bemporad, Alberto and Mignone, Domenico miqp. m: a Matlab function for solving Mixed Integer Quadratic Programs Version 1.02 - User Guide. Manual # /2000 Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH, Zurich (Unpublished)

Bortolussi, Luca and De Nicola, Rocco and Galpin, Vashti and Gilmore, Stephen and Hillstone, Jane and Latella, Diego and Loreti, Michele and Massink, Mieke CARMA: Collective Adaptive Resource-sharing Markovian Agents. Working Paper arXiv (Submitted)

Hoang, Van Tien and Spognardi, Angelo and Tiezzi, Francesco and Petrocchi, Marinella and De Nicola, Rocco Domain-specific queries and Web search personalization: some investigations. Working Paper arXiv (Submitted)

Conference or Workshop Item

Alrahman, Yehia Abd and De Nicola, Rocco and Loreti, Michele and Tiezzi, Francesco and Vigo, Roberto A Calculus for Attribute-based Communication. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 2015, New York, USA pp. 1840-1845. ISBN 978-1-4503-3196-8. (2015)

Amoretti, Michele and Grazioli, Alessandro and Zanichelli, Francesco and Senni, Valerio and Tiezzi, Francesco Towards a formal approach to mobile cloud computing. In: PDP 2014, 12-14 February 2014, University of Turin, Italy pp. 743-750. ISSN 1066-6192. (2014)

Cassar, Ian and Francalanza, Adrian and Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Tuosto, Emilio Reliability and Fault-Tolerance by Choreographic Design. In: 2. International Workshop on Pre- and Post-Deployment Verification Techniques, September 19, 2017, Torino, Italy pp. 69-80. (2017)

Ceccarelli, Diego and Gordea, Sergiu and Lucchese, Claudio and Nardini, Franco Maria and Perego, Raffaele On Suggesting Entities as Web Search Queries. In: IIR 2013 Italian Information Retrieval Workshop (2013)

Coletto, Mauro and Aiello, Luca Maria and Lucchese, Claudio and Silvestri, Fabrizio On the behaviour of deviant communities in online social networks. In: Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, 17-20 May 2016, Cologne, Germany (2016)

Dharmakumar, Rohan and Koktzoglou, Ioannis and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Tang, Richard and Graham, Wright and Li, Debiao Visualization and tracking of a conventional guidewire with low flip angle SSFP imaging: an initial study. In: 17th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 18-24 April 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii (Submitted) (2009)

Dharmakumar, Rohan and Zhang, Zheng and Koktzoglou, Ioannis and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Li, Debiao Dual contrast cellular MRI. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (2010)

Gast, Nicolas and Massonnet, Guillaume and Reijsbergen, Daniel and Tribastone, Mirco Probabilistic Forecasts of Bike-Sharing Systems for Journey Planning. In: 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, 2015, New York, USA pp. 703-712. ISBN 978-1-4503-3794-6. (2015)

Incerto, Emilio and Tribastone, Mirco and Trubiani, Catia A Proactive Approach for Runtime Self-adaptation Based on Queueing Network Fluid Analysis. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Quality-Aware DevOps, August 30 - September 4, 2015, Bergamo, Italy pp. 19-24. ISBN 978-1-4503-3817-2. (2015)

Incerto, Emilio and Tribastone, Mirco and Trubiani, Catia Symbolic Performance Adaptation. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems, 2016, New York, USA pp. 140-150. ISBN 978-1-4503-4187-5. (2016)

Makridima, Kalliopi and Afantitis, Antreas and Melagraki, Georgia and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Igglesi-Markopoulou, Olga Using the Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network architecture to develop QSARs for the prediction of the toxicity of phenols in Tetrahymena pyriformis. In: 11th International Workshop on Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental Sciences (QSAR 2004), 9th-13th May 2004, Liverpool, UK (Unpublished) (2004)

Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Pérez, Jorge A. Causally consistent reversible choreographies: a monitors-as-memories approach. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, Namur, Belgium, October 09 - 11, 2017, October 9-12 2017, Namur, Belgium pp. 127-138. ISBN 978-1-4503-5291-8. (2017)

Mezzina, Claudio Antares and Pérez, Jorge A. Reversible Sessions Using Monitors. In: Ninth workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency- and Communication-cEntric Software, April 8, 2016, Eindhoven, The Netherlands pp. 56-64. ISSN 2075-2180. (2016)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Alexandridis, Alex and Afantitis, Antreas and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Igglesi-Markopoulou, Olga Development of nonlinear quantitative structure-activity relationships using RBF networks and evolutionary computing. In: European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, ESCAPE14, 16th-19th May 2004, Lisbon, Portugal (Unpublished) (2004)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. Retrieval accuracy of very large DNA-Based databases of digital signals. In: 15th European signal processing conference, 3-7 September 2007, Poznan, Poland pp. 1561-1567. (2007)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Offerman, Erik and Edelman, Robert R. and Koktzoglou, Ioannis Unsupervised reconstruction for ungated ghost angiography by clustering of image features. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Visualizing and quantifying myocardial oxygenation changes with statistically optimal colormaps. In: 17th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 18-24 April 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii (Submitted) (2009)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Dharmakumar, Rohan Automated assessment of ghost artifacts in MRI. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan A new quantitative imaging biomarker for identifying critical coronary artery stenosis with myocardial BOLD MRI. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tang, Richard and Dharmakumar, Rohan Unsupervised and reproducible image-based identification of cardiac phases in cine SSFP MRI. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2011)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Dharmakumar, Rohan An intensity based statistical approach for left ventricular localization and identification of end-systolic and end-diastolic images from cine cardiac MRI. In: 17th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 18-24 April 2009, Honolulu, Hawaii (Unpublished) (2009)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. and Dharmakumar, Rohan Automated synchronization of cardiac phases for myocardial BOLD MRI. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)

Waizmann, Tabea and Tribastone, Mirco DiffLQN: Differential Equation Analysis of Layered Queuing Networks. In: Companion Publication for ACM/SPEC on International Conference on Performance Engineering, 2016, New York, USA pp. 63-68. ISBN 978-1-4503-4147-9. (2016)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Rundell, Veronica and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Giri, Shivraman and Shah, Saurabh and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Simonetti, Orlando and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan On the origin of myocardial edema contrast in T2-STIR images. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)

Zhou, Xiangzhi and Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Liu, Ying and Tang, Richard and Klein, Rachel and Zuehlsdorff, Sven and Li, Debiao and Dharmakumar, Rohan Myocardial BOLD imaging using flow compensated 2D cine bSSFP. In: 18th Meeting of the international society for magnetic resonance in medicine, 1-7 May 2010, Stockholm, Sweden (Unpublished) (2010)


Carbone, Marco and Lanese, Ivan and Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto and Sokolova, Ana Proceedings 6th Interaction and Concurrency Experience, ICE 2013. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. (2013)

Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto and Righi, Marco Internet e Web 2.0. Collezione di informatica . UTET Università, Torino. ISBN 9788860083418 (2011)

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