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Ahnert, Sebastian E. and Garlaschelli, Diego and Fink, Thomas M.A. and Caldarelli, Guido Ensemble approach to the analysis of weighted networks. Physical Review E, 76 (1). 016101. ISSN 1539-3755 (2007)

Alessio, Alessandro and Bemporad, Alberto Decentralized model predictive control of constrained linear systems. In: Proceedings of European Control Conference. EUCA, pp. 2813-2818. ISBN 978-960-89028-5-5 (2007)

Alessio, Alessandro and Lazar, Mircea and Bemporad, Alberto and Heemels, W.P.M.H. Squaring the circle: an algorithm for generating polyhedral invariant sets from ellipsoidal ones. Automatica, 43 (12). pp. 2096-2103. ISSN 0005-1098 (2007)

Alvarez, R. Michael and Hall, Thad E. and Llewellyn, Morgan H. How Hard Can It Be: Do Citizens Think It Is Difficult to Register to Vote? Stanford Law & Policy Review, 18 (349). pp. 382-409. ISSN 1044-4386 (2007)

Alvarez, R. Michael and Hall, Thad E. and Llewellyn, Morgan H. On American Voter Confidence. UALR Law Review, 29. pp. 651-963. ISSN 0162-8372 (2007)


Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Effetti della crescita strutturale sull’equilibrio e deformazione di elementi murari piani. In: AIMETA 2007 Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Starrylink, pp. 465-474. ISBN 978-88-89720-69-1 (2007)

Balestracci, Fiammetta [recensione a] Nicholas Stargardt, La guerra dei bambini. Infanzia e vita quotidiana durante il nazismo. Mestiere di storico, VIII. p. 388. ISSN 1594-3836 (2007)

Balestracci, Fiammetta [rezension von] Marica Tolomelli: Terrorismo e società. Il pubblico dibattito in Italia e in Germania negli anni Settanta. Sehepunkte : Rezensionsjournal für Geschichtswissenschaften, 7 (11). ISSN 1618-6168 (2007)

Barbera, Mario and Lombardo, Alfio and Schembra, Giovanni and Tribastone, Mirco An analytical model of a BitTorrent peer. In: Proceedings of the 15th EUROMICRO International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, 2007. PDP '07. IEEE, pp. 482-489. ISBN 0-7695-2784-1 (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Bernardini, Daniele and Cuzzola, Francesco Alessandro and Spinelli, Andrea Optimization-based feedback control of flatness in a cold tandem rolling. Technical Report #4/2007

Bemporad, Alberto and Bicchi, Antonio and Buttazzo, Giorgio (edited by) Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 10th International Workshop, HSCC 2007, Pisa, Italy, April 3-5, 2007. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4416 . Springer-Verlag, -. ISBN 3-540-71492-8 (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano and Henriksson, Erik and Johansson, Karl Henrik Hybrid model predictive control based on wireless sensor feedback: an experimental study. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 12th-14th December 2007, 5062-5067 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0 (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid modeling and control of a multibody magnetic actuator for automotive applications. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 12th-14th December 2007, 5270-5275 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0 (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Gentile, F. and Mecocci, A. and Molendi, Francesco and Rossi, F. A wireless magneto-resistive sensor network for real-time vehicle detection. In: Fourth European conference, EWSN 2007, The Netherlands, Delft, 29-31 January 2007 pp. 13-14. (2007)

Bettini, Lorenzo and De Nicola, Rocco and Falassi, Daniele and Loreti, Michele Implementing a distributed mobile calculus using the IMC framework. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 181. pp. 63-79. ISSN 1571-0661 (2007)

Bilancini, Ennio Rivelazione delle Preferenze, Determinanti Sociali dell'Utilità e Rilevanza dei Dati Soggettivi. Studi e note di economia, 2. pp. 183-209. ISSN 1590-0401 (2007)

Bonassi, Chiara and Magazzini, Laura and Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo and Salerno, Nicola C. La spesa farmaceutica territoriale convenzionata: il modello FarmaRegio per l'analisi della variabilità regionale. Working Paper #3/2007 Competitività Regole Mecati (CERM)

Bonfreschi, Lucia Le triangle du pouvoir: Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Georges Pompidou et le mouvement gaulliste, 1969-1972. In: G. Le Béguec, B. Lachaise, J.F. Sirinelli (eds.), Jacques Chaban-Delmas en politique : actes du colloque organisé à Bordeaux les 18, 19 et 20 mai 2006. Presses universitaires de France, Paris. ISBN 978-2-13-056138-5 (2007)

Bonfreschi, Lucia Raymond Aron face au processus de la décolonisation française sous la IVème République. Outre-mers, 95 (354-55). pp. 271-284. ISSN 1631-0438 (2007)

Bonfreschi, Lucia and Vodovar, Christine Il ritorno al potere di de Gaulle e i trattati di Roma. Ventunesimo Secolo. Rivista di Studi sulle Transizioni, VI (14). pp. 103-133. ISSN 1594-3575 (2007)

Bongioanni, Paolo and Metelli, Maria Rita and Fulceri, F. and Manzone, F. and Rossi, B. and Pietrini, Pietro Serum levels of the fibroblast growth factor and insulin-like growth factor in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. In: 11th EFNS Congress, August 25-28, 2007, Brussels (2007)

Bonino, Daniela and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Sani, Lorenzo and Vecchi, Tomaso and Pietrini, Pietro Neural correlates of mental representation of space in sighted and congenitally blind individuals as measured by fMRI. In: 13th International Brain Mapping & Intraoperative Surgical Planning Society Annual Meeting, June 2007, Chicago (2007)

Bonino, Daniela and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Sani, Lorenzo and Vecchi, Tomaso and Pietrini, Pietro Neural correlates of visual and tactile spatial detection in sighted and congenitally-blind subjects. In: 17th Meeting of the International Society for Brain Electromagnetic Topography, September 27–30, 2006, Chieti, Italy p. 197. ISSN 0896-0267. (2007)

Bonomo, Claudia and Dellino, Gabriella and Fortuna, Luigi and Giannone, Pietro and Graziani, Salvatore and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Optimization issues in modeling IPMC devices. In: EUROSIM 2007: proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM congress on modelling and simulation, 9-13 September, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Elsevier, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-3-901608-32-2 (2007)

Borgioli, Cristina and Pellegrini, Emanuele Dossier sui sistemi museali in Toscana. Technical Report

Buscemi, Maria Grazia and Ferrari, Laura and Moiso, Corrado and Montanari, Ugo Constraint-Based Policy Negotiation and Enforcement for Telco Services. In: Proceedings of the 1st IEEE & IFIP Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering Conference (TASE’07). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 463-472. ISBN 0-7695-2856-2 (2007)

Buscemi, Maria Grazia and Montanari, Ugo CC-Pi: A Constraint-Based Language for Specifying Service Level Agreements. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Symposium on Programming (ESOP’07). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4421 . Springer, pp. 18-32. ISBN 978-3-540-71314-2 (2007)

Buscemi, Maria Grazia and Montanari, Ugo A Compositional Coalgebraic Model of Fusion Calculus. Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming, 72 (1). pp. 78-97. ISSN 1567-8326 (2007)


Caires, Luis and Costa Seco, João and Torres Vieira, Hugo Automotive and finance case studies in the conversation calculus. Technical Report #04/2007 Departamento de Informática - Universidade nova de Lisboa (Unpublished)

Caires, Luis and Tavares Sousa, David and Torres Vieira, Hugo Checking for choreography conformance using spatial logic model-checking. Technical Report #03/2007 Departamento de Informática - Universidade nova de Lisboa (Unpublished)

Caires, Luis and Torres Vieira, Hugo Extensionality of spatial observations in distributed systems. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 175 (3). 131 - 149. ISSN 1571-0661 (2007)

Caldarelli, Guido Scale-free networks : complex webs in nature and technology. Oxford finance . Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 978-0-19-921151-7 (2007)

Caldarelli, Guido and Frondoni, Raffaella and Gabrielli, Andrea and Montuori, Marco and Retzlaff, Rebecca and Ricotta, Carlo Reply to the Comment by H. Tephany and J. Nahmias on “Percolation in real wildfires” by G. Caldarelli et al. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 59 (1). pp. 157-158. ISSN 0295-5075 (2007)

Caldarelli, Guido and Vespignani, Alessandro (edited by) Large scale structure and dynamics of complex networks: from information technology to finance and natural science. Complex systems and interdisciplinary science, 2 . World Scientific, New Jersey. ISBN 978-981-270-664-5 (2007)

Cambini, Carlo and Giannaccari, Andrea Il matrimonio Telecom-Telefonica, tra reti alternative e scenari di separazione. Mercato Concorrenza Regole (2). pp. 277-302. ISSN 1590-5128 (2007)

Cambini, Carlo and Giannaccari, Andrea Le telecomunicazioni nell’era della convergenza tra nuove regole e apertura del mercato. In: F. Pammolli, C. Cambini, A. Giannaccari (a cura di), Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia. Proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settorial. Prismi . Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 103-142. ISBN 978-88-15-11883-7 (2007)

Campagna, Michele and Caschili, Simone and Chessa, Alessandro and De Montis, Andrea and Deplano, Giancarlo Inspecting the influence of space on a real complex network. In: NET 2007: Networks, topology and dynamics , May 17th-19th, 2007, Urbino, Italy (Unpublished) (2007)

Campagna, Michele and Caschili, Simone and Chessa, Alessandro and De Montis, Andrea and Deplano, Giancarlo Modeling commuters dynamics as complex network: the influence of the space. In: 10th International Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management Conference (CUPUM), 2007, Iguassu Falls, Brazil (Unpublished) (2007)

Cardinali, A. and Morini, Lorenzo and Castaldo, C. and Cesario, R. and Zonca, F. Analysis of the validity of the asymptotic techniques in the lower hybrid wave equation solution for reactor applications. Physics of plasmas, 14. p. 112506. ISSN 1070-664X (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco and Mancini, Giuseppe Cohesive versus overlapping crack model for a size effect analysis of RC elements in bending. In: Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of RC Structures. Taylor & Francis, pp. 655-663. ISBN 9780415446167 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Acoustic emission monitoring and numerical modeling of FRP delamination in RC beams with non-rectangular cross-section. Materials and Structures, 40 (6). pp. 553-566. ISSN 1359-5997 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Analytical study of the singularities arising at multi-material interfaces in 2D linear elastic problems. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (1–2). 59 - 74. ISSN 0013-7944 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Are the Paris' law parameters dependent on each other? In: IGF 19: Atti del XIX convegno nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura. Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 217-224. ISBN 9788895940199 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Are the Paris’ law parameters dependent on each other? Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 2. pp. 10-16. ISSN 1971-8993 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Numerical analysis of fracture mechanisms and failure modes in bi-layered structural components. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43 (11–12). 941 - 953. ISSN 0168-874X (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Self-similarity and crack growth instability in the correlation between the Paris’ constants. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (7). 1041 - 1053. ISSN 0013-7944 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio A Coupled Contact and Decohesion Analysis of Laminated Beams. In: IUTAM Symposium on Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics. IUTAM Bookseries, 3 . Springer, pp. 147-156. ISBN 978-1-4020-6405-0 (2007)

Casarotto, Silvia and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Sani, Lorenzo and Guazzelli, Mario and Pietrini, Pietro and Chiarenza, Giuseppe A. ERPs disclose the specificity of spatio-temporal patterns of brain activity during self-paced reading aloud. In: 13th International Brain Mapping & Intraoperative Surgical Planning Society Annual Meeting, June 2007, Chicago (2007)

Casarotto, Silvia and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Sani, Lorenzo and Guazzelli, Mario and Pietrini, Pietro and Chiarenza, Giuseppe A. Single-letter reading elicits a different spatio-temporal modulation of brain activity in dyslexic children as compared to healthy controls. In: 13th International Brain Mapping & Intraoperative Surgical Planning Society Annual Meeting, Chicago (2007)

Casini, Lorenzo Archivi e biblioteche: memorie del passato dall'incerto futuro. Giornale di diritto amministrativo (9). pp. 1029-1031. ISSN 1591-559X (2007)

Casini, Lorenzo Beni culturali. In: Dizionario di diritto amministrativo, (a cura di) M. Clarich, G. Fonderico. Il Sole 24 Ore. ISBN 9788832468458 (2007)

Casini, Lorenzo Beni culturali. In: Il Diritto. Enciclopedia giuridica de Il Sole 24 Ore. Il Sole 24 Ore. (2007)

Casini, Lorenzo L'inchiesta pubblica. Analisi comparata. Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico (1). pp. 43-92. ISSN 0557-1464 (2007)

Casini, Lorenzo and Chiti, Edoardo L'organizzazione. In: Diritto amministrativo comparato. Giuffr� Editore, pp. 61-106. ISBN 88-14-12869-3 (2007)

Catoni, Maria Luisa Comunicazione verbale e non verbale nel simposio greco. In: Linguaggi e pratiche della comunicazione politica e della comunicazione religiosa, 24th-27th September 2007, Università degli studi di Padova, Italy (Unpublished) (2007)

Catoni, Maria Luisa Introduzione. In: Il patrimonio culturale in Francia. Electa per le belle arti . Electa, Milano, pp. 13-19. ISBN 978-88-370-5317-8 (2007)

Catoni, Maria Luisa Simposio o convivio. Sant'Anna News, 28. p. 22. ISSN 1593-5442 (2007)

Catoni, Maria Luisa Visioni d'arpa. Sant'Anna News, 29. ISSN 1593-5442 (2007)

Catoni, Maria Luisa (a cura di ) Il patrimonio culturale in Francia. Electa per le belle arti . Electa. ISBN 978-88-370-5317-8 (2007)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena Dal franchismo alla democrazia: l’europeismo anello di congiunzione tra politica interna e politica estera. In: A. Botti (a cura di). Le patrie degli spagnoli. Spagna democratica e questioni nazionali (1975-2005). Ricerca . Bruno Mondadori, Milano. ISBN 978-8842497950 (2007)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena El europeísmo y la oposición desde el Franquismo hasta la transición democrática. In: Rafael Quirosa-Cheyrouze y Muñoz (coord.). Historia de la Transición en España: los inicios del proceso democratizador. Colección Historia . Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid. ISBN 9788497427135 (2007)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena La integración europea de España: los organismos internacionales y los debates políticos en las Cortes (1977-1979). In: Charles Powell y Juan Carlos Jiménez, (eds.). Del autoritarismo a la democracia : estudios de política exterior española. Serie Historia Contemporánea . Silex, Madrid. ISBN 978-84-7737-197-7 (2007)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena La nascita dell’Unione europea occidentale: una parentesi o un passo in avanti nel processo di costruzione europea? Ventunesimo Secolo. Rivista di Studi sulle Transizioni, VI (14). pp. 17-44. ISSN 1594-3575 (2007)

Cavallaro, Maria Elena Las raices del consenso europeista de la España democrática. In: A. Mateos (ed.). La España del presente. De la Dictadura a la Democracia. UNED, Madrid. (2007)

Clark, Allan and Gilmore, Stephen and Hillston, Jane and Tribastone, Mirco Stochastic process algebras. In: Formal Methods for Performance Evaluation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4486). Springer, pp. 132-179. ISBN 78-3-540-72522-0 (2007)

Conticelli, Martina and Casini, Lorenzo L'attività normativa del governo nel periodo dicembre 2006-maggio 2007. Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 57 (4). pp. 1109-1122. ISSN 0557-1464 (2007)

Conticelli, Martina and Casini, Lorenzo L'attività normativa del governo nel periodo maggio-novembre 2006. Rivista trimestrale di diritto pubblico, 57 (2). pp. 547-558. ISSN 0557-1464 (2007)

Crimaldi, Irene and Letta, Giorgio and Pratelli, Luca Sur l'interversion de l'ordre entre deux opérations sur les tribus. Comptes rendus mathématique, 345 (6). pp. 341-344. ISSN 1631-073X (2007)

Crimaldi, Irene and Letta, Giorgio and Pratelli, Luca A strong form of stable convergence. Séminaire de Probabilités XL . pp. 203-225. ISSN 0720-8766 (2007)


De Masi, Giulia and Iori, Giulia and Caldarelli, Guido The Italian interbank network: statistical properties and a simple model. In: Noise and stochastics in complex systems and finance: 21-24 May 2007, Florence, Italy. SPIE, pp. 210-223. ISBN 978-0819467386 (2007)

De Montis, Andrea and Barthélemy, Marc and Chessa, Alessandro and Vespignani, Alessandro The structure of interurban traffic: a weighted network analysis. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 34 (5). pp. 905-924. ISSN 0265-8135 (2007)

De Montis, Andrea and Caschili, Simone and Campagna, Michele and Chessa, Alessandro and Deplano, Giancarlo Accessibility in commuting systems network based performance indicators. In: NECTAR Workshop “The Future of Accessibility: New Methodological Developments", June 27th-28th, 2008, Las Palmas, Spain (Unpublished) (2007)

De Montis, Andrea and Chessa, Alessandro and Campagna, Michele and Caschili, Simone and Deplano, Giancarlo Complex networks theory for policy making and planning: a research agenda. In: IPL - Workshop on Complexity, evolution and learning: in search of implicity, September 20-22, 2007, Lochem/Barchen, The Netherlands (Submitted) (2007)

De Montis, Andrea and Chessa, Alessandro and Campagna, Michele and Caschili, Simone and Deplano, Giancarlo Grouping complex systems: a weighted network comparative analysis. In: 47th Congress of European Regional Science Association (ERSA), 29th August - 2nd September, 2007, Paris, France pp. 1-20. (Unpublished) (2007)

De Nicola, Rocco Session Centered Calculi for Service Oriented Computing. In: THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE Proceedings of the 10th Italian Conference on (ICTCS '07I. World Scientific, pp. 6-10. ISBN 981-277-098-4 (2007)

De Nicola, Rocco and Gorla, Daniele and Pugliese, Rosario Basic observables for a calculus for global computing. Information and Computation, 205 (10). pp. 1491-1525. ISSN 0890-5401 (2007)

De Nicola, Rocco and Gorla, Daniele and Pugliese, Rosario Global computing in a dynamic network of tuple spaces. Science of Computer Programming, 64 (2). pp. 187-204. ISSN 0167-6423 (2007)

De Nicola, Rocco and Katoen, Pieter and Latella, Diego and Loreti, Michele and Massink, Mieke Model checking mobile stochastic logic. Theoretical Computer Science, 382 (1). pp. 42-70. ISSN 0304-3975 (2007)

De Nicola, Rocco and Loreti, Michele Multi labelled transition systems: a semantic framework for nominal calculi. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 169. pp. 133-146. ISSN 1571-0661 (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Enhanced evolutionary algorithms for multidisciplinary design optimization: a control engineering perspective. In: Hybrid evolutionary algorithms. Studies in Computational Intelligence (75). Springer-Verlag, pp. 39-76. ISBN 978-3-540-73296-9 (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Kriging metamodels in design optimization: an automotive engineering application. In: MASCOT06-6th meeting on applied scientific computing and tools- grid generation, approximated solutions and visualization. IMACS series in computational and applied mathematics, 11 . Elsevier. (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Models for the design and optimization of CNG injection systems. In: EUROSIM 2007: proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM congress on modelling and simulation, 9-13 September, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Elsevier. ISBN 978-3-901608-32-2 (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro and Di Giambernardino, Paolo and Usai, Andrea Modeling and simulation study for the design of controlled IPMC actuators. In: MASCOT07-7th meeting on applied scientific computing and tools- grid generation, approximated solutions and visualization. IMACS series in computational and applied mathematics, 12 . Elsevier. (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Meloni, Carlo and Lino, Paolo and Rizzo, Alessandro Performance evaluation of the evolution control in design optimization assisted by Kriging surrogates. In: Industrial simulation conference 2007. ISI Proceedings . Eurosis, Delft, pp. 49-51. ISBN 978-90-77381-34-2 (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Caldelli, Angelita Moving target detection and tracking in wireless sensor networks. In: Proceedings of European Control Conference. EUCA, pp. 2218-2223. (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetic automotive actuators. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, 9th-13th July 2007 , pp. 5082-5087. ISBN 1-4244-0988-8 (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetically actuated mass spring dampers for automotive applications. International Journal of Control , 80 (11). pp. 1701-1716. ISSN 0020-7179 (2007)


Eom, Young-Ho and Jeong, Hawoong and Orland, Henri and Yi, Juyeon Are better conductors more rigid? EPL (Europhysics Letters), 76 (2). pp. 325-331. ISSN 0295-5075 (2007)


Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo Gradient tracking based second order sliding mode control of a wheeled vehicle. In: European Control Conference 2007, 2-5 July 2007, Kos, Greece (Unpublished) (2007)

Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo Sliding mode control of a mobile robot for dynamic obstacle avoidance based on a time-varying harmonic potential field. In: ICRA2007 Workshop Perception, Planning and Navigation for Intelligent Vehicles , April 14, 2007, Rome, Italy (Unpublished) (2007)

Ferrer I Cancho, Ramon and Capocci, Andrea and Caldarelli, Guido Spectral methods cluster words of the same class in a syntactic dependency network. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17 (7). pp. 2453-2463. ISSN 0218-1274 (2007)


Gabrielli, Andrea and Caldarelli, Guido Invasion percolation and critical transient in the Barabási Model of human dynamics. Physical Review Letters, 98 (20). ISSN 0031-9007 (2007)

Gadducci, Fabio and Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto Graphical Encoding of a Spatial Logic for the pi-Calculus. In: Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science (CALCO’07). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4624 . Springer, pp. 209-225. ISBN 978-3-540-73857-2 (2007)

Gagliardi, Mariacristina and Barbani, Niccoletta and Cristallini, Caterina and Guerra, Giulio D. and Krajewski, A. and Mazzocchi, M. Composites between collagen and hydroxyapatite, a preliminary physicochemical and biological investigation on interactions between collagen and hydroxyapatite. In: Ceramics,Cells and Tissues. Nanotechnology for Functional Repair and Regenerative Medicine. 11th Meeting and Seminar. CNR, pp. 182-191. ISBN 978-88-8080-085-9 (2007)

Garlaschelli, Diego and Capocci, Andrea and Caldarelli, Guido Self-organized network evolution coupled to extremal dynamics. Nature Physics, 3 (11). pp. 813-817. ISSN 1745-2473 (2007)

Garlaschelli, Diego and Di Matteo, Tiziana and Aste, Tomaso and Caldarelli, Guido and Loffredo, Maria Immacolata Interplay between topology and dynamics in the World Trade Web. The European Physical Journal B, 57 (2). pp. 159-164. ISSN 1434-6028 (2007)

Gattei, Stefano Deviazioni perfettamente ragionevoli dalle vie battute. In: Il Mostro e la simmetria: una delle più grandi scoperte della matematica. Scienza e idee . Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, pp. 241-251. ISBN 978-88-6030-133-8 (2007)

Gattei, Stefano La rivoluzione incompiuta di Thomas Kuhn. UTET Università , Torino. ISBN 9788860081681 (2007)

Gattei, Stefano The Shadow of Positivism. Galileo, 36 (10). pp. 43-70. ISSN 1688-1957 (2007)

Gfeller, David and de Lachapelle, David Morton and De Los Rios, Paolo and Caldarelli, Guido and Rao, Francesco Uncovering the topology of configuration space networks. Physical Review E, 76 (2). 026113. ISSN 1539-3755 (2007)

Giannaccari, Andrea Il caso Leegin. Mercato Concorrenza Regole (2). pp. 339-348. ISSN 1590-5128 (2007)

Giannaccari, Andrea Il caso Wanadoo. Mercato Concorrenza Regole (1). pp. 109-118. ISSN 1590-5128 (2007)

Giannaccari, Andrea Translation: Microsoft e il flusso di informazioni. Note (comparatistiche) dal fronte antitrust/proprietà intellettuale, by Rudolph J.R. Peritz,. Mercato Concorrenza Regole, 3. pp. 559-569. ISSN 1590-5128 (2007)

Giannaccari, Andrea Translation: Unione: le tentazioni sbagliate, by Giuliano Amato. Il Mulino, 2. ISSN 0027-3120 (2007)

Gnecco, Giorgio and Sanguineti, Marcello Deriving Approximation Error Bounds via Rademacher’s Complexity and Learning Theory. In: AIRO 2007, September 5th-8th, 2007, Genoa, Italy p. 25. (2007)

Gnecco, Giorgio and Sanguineti, Marcello and Zoppoli, Riccardo Exploiting Structural Results in Approximate Dynamic Programming. In: EURO XXII, July 8th-11th, 2007, Prague, Czech Republic p. 159. (2007)

Gnecco, Giorgio and Sanguineti, Marcello and Zoppoli, Riccardo Suboptimal Solutions to Dynamic Optimization Problems: Extended Ritz Method Versus Approximate Dynamic Programming. In: AIRO 2007, September 5th-8th, 2007, Genoa, Italy p. 10. (2007)


Hartwig, Valentina and Cappelli, Claudia and Vanello, Nicola and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale and Giovannetti, Giulio and Santarelli, Maria Filomena and Positano, Vincenzo and Bicchi, Antonio and Pietrini, Pietro and Landini, Luigi Electrocutaneous stimulation of skin mechanoreceptors for tactile studies with functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. In: Encyclopedia of Healthcare Information Systems. Medical Information Science Reference, pp. 497-504. ISBN 978-1599048895 (2007)


Iacopetti, Paola and Tarantino, I. and Cozza, Arianna and Santi, S. and Savarino, G. and Fogli, Stefano and Pietrini, Pietro and Pellegrini, Silvia A flexible SNP genotyping system to study allelic determinants of brain function. In: 14th World Congress on Psychiatric Genetics, October 28th–November 1st, 2006, October 28 - November 1, 2006, Cagliari, Italia (2007)

Ingimundarson, Ari and Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos and Bemporad, Alberto Suboptimal model predictive control of hybrid systems based on mode-switching constraints. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 12th-14th December 2007, 5264-5269 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0 (2007)

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Lapadula, Alessandro and Pugliese, Rosario and Tiezzi, Francesco A Calculus for Orchestration of Web Services. In: Programming Languages and Systems (ESOP 2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4421 . Springer, pp. 33-47. ISBN 978-3-540-71314-2 (2007)

Lapadula, Alessandro and Pugliese, Rosario and Tiezzi, Francesco Regulating Data Exchange in Service Oriented Applications. In: International Symposium on Fundamentals of Software Engineering (FSEN 2007). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4767 . Springer, pp. 223-239. ISBN 978-3-540-75697-2 (2007)

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Lattanzi, Nicola Le figure professionali. In: Pianificazione e controllo: Sistemi di management e logiche di funzionamento. Giappichelli, pp. 311-318. ISBN 978-88-3487592-6 (2007)

Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Bemporad, Alberto and Weiland, Siep Discrete-time non-smooth nonlinear MPC: Stability and robustness. In: Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Springer-Verlag, pp. 93-103. ISBN 978-3-540-72698-2 (2007)

Lluch-Lafuente, Alberto Towards Model Checking Spatial Properties with SPIN. In: Model Checking Software (SPIN'07). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4595 . Springer, pp. 223-242. ISBN 978-3-540-73369-0 (2007)

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Masala, Antonio Between Natural Law and Evolutionism. Political Philosophy and Classical Liberal Theory after WWII. Working Paper # /2007 (Unpublished)

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Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos and Bemporad, Alberto and Ingimundarson, Ari and Cayuela, Vincenç Puig On hybrid model predictive control of sewer networks. In: Identification and Control: The gap between theory & practice. Springer-Verlag, pp. 87-114. ISBN 978-1-84628-899-9 (2007)


Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto ctal and multifractal approaches for the analysis of crack-size dependent scaling laws in fatigue. In: AIMETA 2007: Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Tesi e ricerca . Starrylink, pp. 417-418. ISBN 978-88-89720-69-1 (2007)

Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe On the competition between delamination and shear failure in retrofitted concrete beams and related scale effects. In: Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of RC Structures. Taylor & Francis, pp. 1069-1076. ISBN 9780415446167 (2007)

Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Snap-back and snap-through instabilities due to contact loss in the stick-slip motion of rough surfaces. In: AIMETA 2007: Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Tesi e Ricerca . Starrylink, pp. 60-61. ISBN 978-88-89720-69-1 (2007)

Palmeri, Maria Carla and De Nicola, Rocco and Massink, Mieke Basic Observables for Probabilistic May Testing. In: Fourth International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST 2007). IEEE Computer Society, pp. 189-200. ISBN 0-7695-2883-X (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Bonassi, Chiara and Riccaboni, Massimo Health Services in an Open Transatlantic Market: A European Perspective. In: Sleeping giant: awakening the Transatlantic services economy. Center for Transatlantic Relations Series . Center for Transatlantic Relations, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, pp. 77-97. ISBN 9780978882150 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Buldyrev, Sergey V. and Growiec, Jakub and Riccaboni, Massimo and Stanley, H. Eugene The Growth of Business Firms: Facts and Theory. Journal of the European Economic Association, 5 (2-3). pp. 574-584. ISSN 1542-4766 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Buldyrev, Sergey V. and Riccaboni, Massimo and Yamasaki, Kazuko and Fu, Dongfeng and Matia, Kaushik and Stanley, H. Eugene A generalized preferential attachment model for business firms growth rates: II. Mathematical treatment. The European Physical Journal B, 57 (2). pp. 131-138. ISSN 1434-6028 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Cambini, Carlo and Giannaccari, Andrea Introduzione. Liberalizzazioni e concorrenza in Italia. In: F. Pammolli, C. Cambini, A. Giannaccari, (a cura di). Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia. Proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settoriali. Prismi . Il Mulino, Bologna, pp. 7-26. ISBN 978-88-15-11883-7 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Cambini, Carlo and Giannaccari, Andrea (a cura di) Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia : proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settoriali. Prismi . Il Mulino, Bologna. ISBN 9788815118837 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Fu, Dongfeng and Buldyrev, Sergey V. and Riccaboni, Massimo and Matia, Kaushik and Yamasaki, Kazuko and Stanley, H. Eugene A generalized preferential attachment model for business firms growth rates: I. Empirical evidence. The European Physical Journal B, 57 (2). pp. 127-130. ISSN 1434-6028 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo Innovation and industrial leadership: lessons from pharmaceuticals. Center for Transatlantic Relations, Washington, D.C.. ISBN 978-0-9788821-4-3 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Riccaboni, Massimo and Salerno, Nicola C. Il settore farmaceutico tra barriere alla concorrenza e regolazione sul lato del consumo. In: F. Pammolli, C. Cambini, A. Giannaccari, (a cura di). Politiche di liberalizzazione e concorrenza in Italia. Proposte di riforma e linee di intervento settoriali. Il Mulino, pp. 325-350. ISBN 978-88-15-11883-7 (2007)

Pammolli, Fabio and Salerno, Nicola C. Spesa sanitaria, Demografia, Istituzioni. In: Marianna Madìa (a cura di). Un welfare anziano: invecchiamento della popolazione o ringiovanimento della società? Pubblicazioni AREL . Il Mulino, pp. 103-125. ISBN 9788815119186 (2007)

Pannocchia, Gabriele and Bemporad, Alberto Combined design of disturbance model and observer for offset-free model predictive control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 52 (6). pp. 1048-1053. ISSN 0018-9286 (2007)

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Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos Robust optimal control: calculation of the explicit control law combining dynamic programming and multiparametric optimization. In: 6th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, May 31 - June 2 2007, Athens, Greece (Unpublished) (2007)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos An explicit optimal control approach for mean-risk dynamic portfolio allocation. In: European Control Conference, 2-5 July 2007, Kos, Greece (Unpublished) (2007)

Pellegrini, Emanuele Da Raffaello a Maratti : artisti e committenti in Valdinievole. Quaderni della Biblioteca capitolare, 17 . ETS, Pisa. ISBN 9788846719911 (2007)

Pellegrini, Emanuele Il gusto della critica : Francesco Tommaso Bernardi e Giacomo Sardini. In: Le dimore di Lucca: l'arte di abitare i palazzi di una capitale dal Medioevo allo Stato Unitario. Alinea, Firenze, pp. 263-268. ISBN 9788860551757 (2007)

Pellegrini, Emanuele La fondazione de «La Critica d’Arte» nelle carte di Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti : Parte II: 1936-37. In: Annali di critica d'arte. Nino Aragno Editore, Torino, pp. 373-427. ISBN 978-88-8419-355-1 (2007)

Pellegrini, Emanuele La provincia di Pisa. In: Atlante del Barocco in Italia : Toscana : Firenze e il Granducato : provincie di Grosseto, Livorno, Pisa, Pistoia, Prato, Siena. De Luca editore d'arte, Roma, pp. 503-535. ISBN 9788880166924 (2007)

Pellegrini, Emanuele and Levi, Donata Viaggio in patria : Arezzo e il suo territorio nel Settecento. In: Arte in terra d'Arezzo : il Settecento. Edifir, Firenze, pp. 11-26. ISBN 9788879703338 (2007)

Pettorossi, Alberto and Proietti, Maurizio and Senni, Valerio Automatic Correctness Proofs for Logic Program Transformations. In: Logic Programming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (4670). Springer, pp. 364-379. ISBN 978-3-540-74608-9 (2007)

Phlippen, Sandra and Riccaboni, Massimo Radical innovation and network evolution. Annales d'Economie et de Statistique / Annals of Economics and Statistics , 87-88. pp. 325-350. ISSN 0769-489X (2007)

Pietrini, Pietro ResponsabilMente: dai processi cerebrali al processo penale. Prospettive e limiti dell’approccio neuroscientifico. In: La prova scientifica nel processo penale. CEDAM, pp. 317-334. ISBN 978-88-13-27247-0 (2007)

Pietrini, Pietro and Battaglia, F. Il cervello o il mondo nella testa. In: Saperi umani e consulenza filosofica. Meltemi editore, Roma, Italia, pp. 181-189. ISBN 978-88-8353-597-0 (2007)

Pietrini, Pietro and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Casarotto, Silvia and Sanna, F. and Corciolani, Matteo and Romani, S. and Dalli, Daniele Covert visual brand recognition modulates emotional neural networks: a fMRI study. In: 37th annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 3-7, 2007, San Diego (2007)


Quattrociocchi, Walter and Paolucci, Mario Cognition in information evaluation: the effect of reputation in decisions making and learning strategies for discovering good sellers in a base market. In: EUMAS '07 - 5th European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems, December 13 - 14, 2007, Hammamet, Tunisia (Unpublished) (2007)


Ricciardi, Emiliano and Vanello, Nicola and Sani, Lorenzo and Gentili, Claudio and Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale and Landini, Luigi and Guazzelli, Mario and Bicchi, Antonio and Haxby, James V. and Pietrini, Pietro The Effect of Visual Experience on the Development of Functional Architecture in hMT+. Cerebral Cortex, 17 (12). pp. 2933-2939. ISSN 1047-3211 (2007)


Saltari, Enrico and Ticchi, Davide Risk aversion, intertemporal substitution, and the aggregate investment-uncertainty relationship. Journal of monetary economics, 54 (3). 622 - 648. ISSN 0304-3932 (2007)

Silvestri, Davide and Cristallini, Caterina and Gagliardi, Mariacristina and Barbani, Niccoletta and Giusti, Paolo Studio di materiali biodegradabili per il rilascio combinato di farmaci da stent vascolari. In: Congresso Nazionale Biomateriali, May 28-29, 2007, Bologna, Italy (Unpublished) (2007)

Silvestri, Davide and Cristallini, Caterina and Gagliardi, Mariacristina and Guadagni, M. and Barbani, Niccoletta and Giusti, Paolo Combined drug release from biodegradable bi-layer coating for endovascular stents. Journal of Applied Biomaterials & Biomechanics, 5 (3). p. 209. ISSN 1722-6899 (2007)

Silvestri, Davide and Gagliardi, Mariacristina and Cristallini, Caterina and Rosellini, Elisabetta and Giusti, Paolo Study of Polymer Coatings for Drug Delivery Through Experimental Characterization and Computational Modelling. In: 21st European Conference on Biomaterials, September 9-13, 2007, Brighton, United Kingdom (Unpublished) (2007)

Spina, Salvatore and Murrell, Jill R. and Huey, Edward D. and Wassermann, Eric M. and Pietrini, Pietro and Baraibar, M.A. and Barbeito, A.G. and Troncoso, J.C. and Vidal, R. and Ghetti, Bernardino and Grafman, Jordan Clinicopathologic features of frontotemporal dementia with Progranulin sequence variation. Neurology, 68 (11). pp. 820-827. ISSN 0028-3878 (2007)

Spina, Salvatore and Murrell, Jill R. and Huey, Edward D. and Wassermann, Eric M. and Pietrini, Pietro and Grafman, Jordan and Ghetti, Bernardino Corticobasal Syndrome Associated With the A9D Progranulin Mutation. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, 66 (10). pp. 892-900. ISSN 0022-3069 (2007)

Squartini, Tiziano Neural networks: A review. Il Nuovo Cimento C - Colloquia on Physics, 30 (3). pp. 291-304. ISSN 2037-4909 (2007)


Taricco, Carla and Bhandari, Narendra and Colombetti, Paolo and Verma, Neeharika and Vivaldo, Gianna Experimental set-up and optimization of a gamma-ray spectrometer for measurement of cosmogenic radionuclides in meteorites. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment , 572 (1). 241 - 243. ISSN 0168-9002 (2007)

Taricco, Carla and Colombetti, Paolo and Verma, Neeharika and Vivaldo, Gianna and Bhandari, Narendra A large cavity gamma ray spectrometer for measurement of cosmogenic radionuclides in astromaterials by whole rock counting. In: Astroparticle, Particle, Space Physics, Detectors, and Medical Physics applications, 8 – 12 October 2007, Villa Olmo, Como, Italy pp. 865-869. ISBN 978-981-281-908-6. (2007)

Ticchi, Davide and Vindigni, Andrea An economic theory of constitutional choice. CESifo DICE Repor, 5 (3). pp. 12-16. ISSN 1613-6373 (2007)

Tribastone, Mirco Bottom-up beats top-down hands down. In: Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Process Algebra and Stochastically Timed Activities (PASTA). AESOP, pp. 97-104. (Unpublished) (2007)

Tribastone, Mirco The PEPA Plug-in Project. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. QEST 2007. IEEE, pp. 53-54. ISBN 978-0-7695-2883-0 (2007)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Ahuja, Ramandeep and Shiell, Derek and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. DNA microarray image intensity extraction using Eigenspots. In: International conference on image processing. IEEE, VI -265 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1437-6 (2007)

Tsaftaris, Sotirios A. and Katsaggelos, Aggelos K. Retrieval accuracy of very large DNA-Based databases of digital signals. In: 15th European signal processing conference, 3-7 September 2007, Poznan, Poland pp. 1561-1567. (2007)


Vanello, Nicola and Hartwig, Valentina and Tesconi, Mario and Zupone, Giuseppe and Sgambelluri, Nicola and Tognetti, Alessandro and Ricciardi, Emiliano and Scilingo, Enzo Pasquale and Bicchi, Antonio and Pietrini, Pietro and De Rossi, Danilo and Landini, Luigi An MRI Compatibility Study of a Fabric Sensing Glove for Sensory-Motor Brain Activity Exploration. In: 10th Annual International Workshop on Presence, October 25-27, 2007, Barcelona, Spain pp. 79-83. ISBN 978-0-9792217-1-2. (2007)


Worthington, Everett L. and Van Oyen Witvliet, Charlotte and Pietrini, Pietro and Miller, Andrea J. Forgiveness, health, and well-being: a review of evidence for emotional versus decisional forgiveness, dispositional forgivingness, and reduced unforgiveness. Journal of behavioral medicine, 30 (4). pp. 291-302. ISSN 0160-7715 (2007)


Zavarise, Giorgio and Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Paggi, Marco On the resolution dependence of micromechanical contact models. Wear , 262 (1–2). 42 - 54. ISSN 0043-1648 (2007)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Paggi, Marco Reliability of Micromechanical Contact Models: a Still Open Issue. In: Computational Contact Mechanics. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (498). Springer , pp. 39-82. ISBN 978-3-211-77298-0 (2007)

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