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Bemporad, Alberto and Bernardini, Daniele and Patrinos, Panagiotis A convex feasibility approach to anytime model predictive control. Working Paper ArXiv (Submitted)


Di Cairano, Stefano and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya Stochastic MPC with learning for driver-predictive vehicle control and its application to HEV energy management. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 22 (3). pp. 1018-1031. ISSN 1063-6536 (2014)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Lazar, Mircea and Bemporad, Alberto Stabilizing dynamic controllers for hybrid systems: a hybrid control Lyapunov function approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 59 (10). 2629 -2643. ISSN 0018-9286 (2014)

Esen, Hasan and Tashiro, Tsutomu and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto Cabin heat thermal management in hybrid vehicles using model predictive control. In: 22nd Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 16-19, 2014, Palermo, Italy (Unpublished) (2014)

Guiggiani, Alberto and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Bemporad, Alberto Fixed-point implementation of a proximal Newton method for embedded model predictive control (I). In: Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress. IFAC, pp. 2921-2926. ISBN 978-3-902823-62-5 (2014)

Necoara, Ion and Clipici, Dragos Nicolae and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Bemporad, Alberto MPC for power systems dispatch based on stochastic optimization. In: Proceedings of the 19th IFAC World Congress. IFAC, pp. 11147-11152. ISBN 978-3-902823-62-5 (2014)

Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sopasakis, Pantelis and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Bemporad, Alberto Stochastic model predictive control for constrained discrete-time Markovian switching systems. Automatica, 50 (10). pp. 2504-2514. ISSN 0005-1098 (2014)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Bemporad, Alberto Stabilizing linear model predictive control under inexact numerical optimization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 59 (6). pp. 1660-1666. ISSN 0018-9286 (2014)


Di Cairano, Stefano and Tseng, H. E. and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto Vehicle yaw stability control by coordinated active front steering and differential braking in the tire sideslip angles domain. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology , 21 (4). pp. 1236-1248. ISSN 1063-6536 (2013)

Krenn, Rainer and Gibbesch, Andreas and Binet, Giovanni and Bemporad, Alberto Model predictive traction and steering control of planetary rovers. In: 12th Symposium on Advanced Space Technologies in Robotics and Automation, ASTRA 2013, 15th - 17th May 2013, Noordwijk, The Netherlands pp. 1-8. (Unpublished) (2013)

Saponara, M. and Barrena, V. and Bemporad, Alberto and Hartley, E. N. and Maciejowski, Jan M. and Richards, A. and Tramutola, A. and Trodden, P. Model predictive control application to spacecraft rendezvous in mars sample return scenario. In: Progress in Flight Dynamics, Guidance, Navigation, Control, Fault Detection, and Avionics. EDP Sciences, pp. 137-158. (2013)


Rubagotti, Matteo and Carminati, Marco and Clemente, Giampiero and Grassetti, Riccardo and Ferrara, Antonella Modeling and control of an airbrake electro-hydraulic smart actuator. Asian Journal of Control , 14 (5). pp. 1159-1170. ISSN 1561-8625 (2012)


Bemporad, Alberto and Rocchi, Claudio Decentralized hybrid model predictive control of a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011. IFAC, pp. 11900-11906. ISBN 978-3-902661-93-7 (2011)

Bemporad, Alberto and Rocchi, Claudio Decentralized linear time-varying model predictive control of a formation of unmanned aerial vehicles. In: Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC). IEEE, 7488 -7493. ISBN 978-1-61284-800-6 (2011)

Damiano, Alfonso and Caldarelli, Guido and Chessa, Alessandro and Scala, Antonio Integrating the electric grid and the commuter network through a 'Veichle to Grid' concept: a Complex Networks Theory approach. In: European Electric Vehicle Congress (EEVC-2011), October 26-28, 2011, Brussels, Belgium (Unpublished) (2011)

Jorge, Tiago and Lemos, Joao M. and Barão, Miguel and Bemporad, Alberto Hybrid dynamic optimization for cruise speeed control. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011. IFAC, pp. 5082-5087. ISBN 978-3-902661-93-7 (2011)


Bichi, M. and Ripaccioli, Giulio and Di Cairano, Stefano and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya Stochastic model predictive control with driver behavior learning for improved powertrain control. In: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 6077 -6082. ISBN 978-1-4244-7745-6 (2010)

Carminati, Marco and Rubagotti, Matteo and Grassetti, Riccardo and Ferrari, Giorgio and Sampietro, Marco A smart embedded control unit for electro-hydraulic aircraft actuators. In: Proceedings of the Electrical Systems for Aircraft, Railway and Ship Propulsion (ESARS). IEEE, 1 -6. ISBN 978-1-4244-9092-9 (2010)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Raimondo, Davide Martino and Jones, Colin Neil and Magni, Lalo and Ferrara, Antonella and Morari, Manfred A nonlinear model predictive control scheme with multirate integral sliding mode. In: 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems. IFAC, pp. 232-237. (2010)


Di Cairano, Stefano and Yanakiev, Diana and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor An MPC design flow for automotive control and applications to idle speed regulation. In: Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, pp. 5686-5691. ISBN 978-1-4244-3123-6 (2008)

Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo Second-order sliding-mode control of a mobile robot based on a harmonic potential field. IET Control Theory and Applications , 2 (9). 807 -818. ISSN 1751-8644 (2008)


Bemporad, Alberto and Gentile, F. and Mecocci, A. and Molendi, Francesco and Rossi, F. A wireless magneto-resistive sensor network for real-time vehicle detection. In: Fourth European conference, EWSN 2007, The Netherlands, Delft, 29-31 January 2007 pp. 13-14. (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Kriging metamodels in design optimization: an automotive engineering application. In: MASCOT06-6th meeting on applied scientific computing and tools- grid generation, approximated solutions and visualization. IMACS series in computational and applied mathematics, 11 . Elsevier. (2007)

Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Models for the design and optimization of CNG injection systems. In: EUROSIM 2007: proceedings of the 6th EUROSIM congress on modelling and simulation, 9-13 September, 2007, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Elsevier. ISBN 978-3-901608-32-2 (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetic automotive actuators. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, 9th-13th July 2007 , pp. 5082-5087. ISBN 1-4244-0988-8 (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetically actuated mass spring dampers for automotive applications. International Journal of Control , 80 (11). pp. 1701-1716. ISSN 0020-7179 (2007)


Dellino, Gabriella and Lino, Paolo and Meloni, Carlo and Rizzo, Alessandro Multidisciplinary design optimization of a pressure controller for CNG injection systems. In: Conference on computer aided control system design. IEEE, Munich, Germany, October 4-6, 2006, 2689 -2694. ISBN 0-7803-9797-5 (2006)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of nonlinear mechatronic systems: an application to a magnetically actuated mass spring damper. In: 2nd IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems. IFAC, pp. 241-246. ISBN 978-3-902661-06-7 (2006)

Giorgetti, Nicolò and Bemporad, Alberto and Tseng, H. E. and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid model predictive control application towards optimal semi-active suspension. International Journal of Control , 79 (5). pp. 521-533. ISSN 0020-7179 (2006)

Giorgetti, Nicolò and Ripaccioli, Giulio and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid model predictive control of direct injection stratified charge engines. IEEE/Asme Transactions on Mechatronics , 11 (5). pp. 499-506. ISSN 1083-4435 (2006)

Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Weiland, Siep and Bemporad, Alberto Stabilizing model predictive control of hybrid systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51 (11). pp. 1813-1818. ISSN 0018-9286 (2006)


Giorgetti, Nicolò and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Explicit hybrid optimal control of direct injection stratified charge engines. In: Symposium on Industrial Electronics. IEEE, 20th-23th June 2005 , pp. 247-252. ISBN 0-7803-8738-4 (2005)

Giorgetti, Nicolò and Bemporad, Alberto and Tseng, H. E. and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid model predictive control application towards optimal semi-active suspension. In: Symposium on Industrial Electronics. IEEE, 20th - 23th June 2005, pp. 391-398. ISBN 0-7803-8738-4 (2005)

Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Weiland, Siep and Bemporad, Alberto Non-smooth model predictive control: stability and applications to hybrid systems. Technical Report # /2005 University of Technology, Eindhoven (Unpublished)


Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Weiland, Siep and Bemporad, Alberto Stability of hybrid model predictive control. In: 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 14-17, 2004 , Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas pp. 1-40. (Unpublished) (2004)


Bemporad, Alberto and Borodani, Pandeli and Mannelli, Massimo Hybrid control of an automotive robotized gearbox for reduction of consumptions and emissions. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2623 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 81-96. ISBN 978-3-540-00913-9 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Rusconi, F. and Morari, Manfred and Rovaglio, M. Using MPC as master controller for integrated gasification combined cycle processes. Trends in Chemical Engineering , 8. pp. 199-214. ISSN 0972-4478 (2003)


Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Optimal control of discrete time linear hybrid systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC 2002), 25 - 27 March 2002, Stanford, California, USA pp. 1-41. (Unpublished) (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid modeling and control of a direct injection stratified charge engine. In: Symposium on Advanced Automotive Technologies, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress an. ASME, pp. 691-698. ISBN 0-7918-3629-0 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor A hybrid system approach to modeling and optimal control of DISC engines. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 1582-1587. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Torrisi, Fabio Danilo and Bemporad, Alberto and Bertini, Gioele and Hertach, Peter and Jost, Dominic and Mignone, Domenico HYSDEL 2.0. 5- User manual. Manual # /2002 Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH, Zurich (Unpublished)


Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Glielmo, Luigi and Vasca, Francesco Hybrid control of dry clutch engagement. In: European Control Conference. European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal. (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Glielmo, Luigi and Vasca, Francesco Optimal piecewise-linear control of dry clutch engagement. In: Workshop Advances in Automotive Control. IFAC, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 33-38. (2001)

Borrelli, Francesco and Bemporad, Alberto and Fodor, Michael and Hrovat, Davor A hybrid approach to traction control. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2034 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 162-174. ISBN 978-3-540-41866-5 (2001)

Torrisi, Fabio Danilo and Bemporad, Alberto Discrete-time hybrid modeling and verification. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001, pp. 2899-2904. ISBN 0-7803-7061-9 (2001)


Pedret, C. and Stadler, K. and Toller, A. and Glattfelder, A.H. and Bemporad, Alberto and Mignone, Domenico Model-varying predictive control of a nonlinear system. Technical Report # /2000 Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH, Zurich (Unpublished)


Bellini, A. and Bemporad, Alberto and Franchi, Eleonora and Manaresi, Nicolò and Rovatti, Riccardo and Torrini, G. Analog fuzzy implementation of a vehicle traction sliding-mode control. In: ISATA 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation Automotive , 1996, Croydon, UK pp. 275-282. (Unpublished) (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and De Luca, Alessandro and Oriolo, Giuseppe Local incremental planning for a car-like robot navigating among obstacles. In: International conference on robotics and automation. IEEE, Minneapolis, Minnesota - April 1996, pp. 1205-1211. ISBN 0-7803-2988-0 (1996)

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