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Abbate, Stefano and Avvenuti, Marco and Corsini, Paolo and Light, Janet and Vecchio, Alessio Monitoring of human movements for fall detection and activities recognition in elderly care using wWireless sensor network: a survey. In: Wireless sensor networks: application-centric design. InTech, pp. 1-20. ISBN 978-953-307-321-7 (2010)

Abbate, Stefano and Avvenuti, Marco and Light, Janet MIMS: A Minimally Invasive Monitoring Sensor Platform. IEEE Sensors Journal, 12 (3). 677 -684. ISSN 1530-437X (2012)

Agnetis, Alessandro and Dellino, Gabriella and Detti, Paolo and De Pascale, Gianluca and Innocenti, Giacomo and Vicino, Antonio Appliance operation scheduling for electricity consumption optimization. In: Proceeding of the Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC). IEEE, pp. 5899-5904. ISBN 978-1-61284-800-6 (2011)

Alessio, Alessandro and Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto Decentralized model predictive control of dynamically coupled linear systems. Journal of Process Control, 21 (5). 705 - 714. ISSN 0959-1524 (2011)

Alessio, Alessandro and Bemporad, Alberto Decentralized model predictive control of constrained linear systems. In: Proceedings of European Control Conference. EUCA, pp. 2813-2818. ISBN 978-960-89028-5-5 (2007)

Alessio, Alessandro and Bemporad, Alberto and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Lazar, Mircea Convex Polyhedral Invariant Sets for Closed-Loop Linear MPC Systems. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 13th-15th December 2006 , pp. 4532-4537. ISBN 1-4244-0171-2 (2006)

Asano, K and Tsuda, Koji and Bemporad, Alberto and Morari, Manfred Predictive control for hybrid systems and its application to process control. Systems, Control and Information, 46 (3). pp. 110-119. (2002)


Bacigalupo, Andrea Modellazione multi-scala di materiali auxetici a microstruttura periodica chirale. In: AIMETA 2013 XX congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, September 17-20, 2013, Torino (Italy) (Unpublished) (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea Omogeneizzazione multi-scala di materiali a microstruttura periodica mediante sviluppi asintotici dell'energia di deformazione. In: AIMETA 2011: atti del 20. congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata:. Università di Bologna. ISBN 978-88-906340-0-0 (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea Omogeneizzazione non locale di mezzi eterogenei a microstruttura periodica. In: GMA 2010: Riunione del Gruppo Materiali dell’AIMETA, February, 25-26 2010, Palermo, Italy (Unpublished) (2010)

Bacigalupo, Andrea Second-order homogenization of periodic materials based on asymptotic approximation of the strain energy: formulation and validity limits. Meccanica, 49 (6). pp. 1407-1425. ISSN 0025-6455 (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Brencich, Antonio and Gambarotta, Luigi A simplified assessment of the dome and drum of the Basilica of S. Maria Assunta in Carignano in Genoa. Engineering Structures, 56. 749 - 765. ISSN 0141-0296 (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Cavicchi, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A simplified evaluation of the influence of the bond pattern on the brickwork limit strength. Advanced Materials Research, 368-73. pp. 3495-3508. ISSN 1662-8985 (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Cavicchi, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A simplified evalutation of the influence of the bond pattern on the brickwork limit strength. In: 11th North American Masonry Conference 2011, 5-8 June 2011, Minneapolis (USA) (Unpublished) (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Acoustic velocity in layered rock masses with periodic fractures. In: COMGEO III, 3rd International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics, 21– 23 August 2013, Krakow (Poland) (Unpublished) (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Computational dynamic homogenization for the analysis of dispersive waves in layered rock masses with periodic fractures. Computers and Geotechnics, 56. 61 - 68. ISSN 0266-352X (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Computational two-scale homogenization of periodic masonry: Characteristic lengths and dispersive waves. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 213–16. 16 - 28. ISSN 0045-7825 (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Cosserat homogenization of elastic periodic blocky masonry. In: Cover image Title 8th World congress on computational mechanics, WCCM8 - 5th European congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering, ECCOMAS 2008. CIMNE, pp. 1-2. ISBN 9788496736559 (2008)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Costruire in muratura: un processo continuo di crescita strutturale. In: WONDERmasonry : workshop on Design for rehabilitation of masonry structures : tecniche di modellazione e progetto per interventi sul costruito in muratura. Polistampa, pp. 73-82. ISBN 978-88-596-0535-5 (2009)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Dispersive acoustic waves in elastic periodic media: a non-local dynamic homogenization approach. In: AIMETA 2013 XX congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata, September 17-20, 2013, Torino (Italy) (Unpublished) (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Dispersive wave propagation in anisotropic materials with periodic microstructure. In: - 12th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM12), 22-25 July 2013, Raleigh, North Carolina (USA) (Unpublished) (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Effects of layered accretion on the mechanics of masonry structures. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 40 (2). pp. 163-184. ISSN 1539-7734 (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Effetti della crescita strutturale sull’equilibrio e deformazione di elementi murari piani. In: AIMETA 2007 Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Starrylink, pp. 465-474. ISBN 978-88-89720-69-1 (2007)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi High continuity second-order homogenization of in-plane loaded periodic masonry. In: COMPDYN 2011: Computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering, 3rd international thematic conference. National Technical University of Athens, pp. 1808-1822. ISBN 9789609999403 (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi High-continuity multi-scale static and dynamic modelling of periodic materials. In: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012). Vienna University of Technology, pp. 1719-1731. ISBN 978-3-9503537-0-9 (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Homogenization of Periodic Masonry. In: THERMEC 2009 : 6th International Conference on Processing & Manufacturing of Advanced Materials. Trans Tech Pubn, pp. 1-10. ISBN 97-3-908454-91-5 (2010)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Homogenization of periodic chiral lattices. In: 14th European Mechanics of Materials Conference, 27-29 August, 2014, Göteborg, Sweden (Unpublished) (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Homogenization of periodic hexa- and tetrachiral cellular solids. Composite Structures, 116. 461 - 476. ISSN 0263-8223 (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Micro-polar and second order homogenization of periodic masonry. In: AIMETA 2009 : atti del 19. congresso dell'Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata. Universita Politecnica delle Marche. ISBN 978-88-96378-08-3 (2009)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Micro-polar and second order homogenization of periodic masonry. Materials Science Forum, 638/42. pp. 2561-2566. ISSN 1662-9752 (2010)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Modelling of deformation and damage of heterogeneous-engineering structures: Masonry Mechanics. In: Selected topics of contemporary solid mechanics. Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences, pp. 138-139. ISBN 978-83-89687-35-7 (2008)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Multi-scale modelling of periodic masonry: size effects, characteristic lengths and dispersive waves. In: AIMETA 2011: atti del 20. congresso dell'Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata:. Università di Bologna. ISBN 978-88-906340-0-0 (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Multiscale modeling of periodic chiral cellular materials. In: 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), July 20 - 25, 2014, Barcelona, Spain (Unpublished) (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Non-local computational homogenization of periodic masonry. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 9 (5). pp. 565-578. ISSN 1543-1649 (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Non-local computational homogenization of periodic masonry for the in-plane analysis of shear walls. In: COMPDYN 2009: Computational methods in structural dynamics and earthquake engineering. 2nd International Conference. Institute of Strutural analysis and seismic Research, Greece, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-960-254-682-6 (2009)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Non-local modelling of blocky rock masses with periodic jointed structure. In: COMGEOII: The Second International Symposium on Computational Geomechanics, 27-29 April 2011, Cavtat-Dubrovnik, Croatia (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Second grade modeling for the strain localization analysis of layered materials with damaging interfaces. In: Proceedings of ECCM15, 15th European Conference on Composite Materials. University of Padova, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-88-88785-33-2 (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Second-gradient computational homogenization of periodic materials. In: Workshop 2012 Turin - Virtual testing of materials and structures, 8 October 2012, Turin (Italy) (Unpublished) (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Second-gradient homogenized model for wave propagation in heterogeneous periodic media. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51 (5). 1052 - 1065. ISSN 0020-7683 (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Second-order computational homogenization of heterogeneous materials with periodic microstructure. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 90 (10-11). pp. 796-811. ISSN 0044-2267 (2010)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Second-order-enhanced computational homogenization for heterogeneous materials with periodic-microstructures. In: XVIII Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale, September 22–24, 2010, Siracusa, Italy (Unpublished) (2010)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Sicurezza statica del sistema cupola-tamburo: il caso della Basilica di S. Maria Assunta di Carignano a Genova. In: AID MONUMENTS Conoscere Progettare Ricostruire. Aracne, pp. 164-174. ISBN 978-88-548-6506-8 (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Strain localization analysis of layered materials with debonding interfaces by a second-order homogenization approach. In: European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012). Vienna University of Technology, pp. 1136-1155. ISBN 978-3-9503537-0-9 (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Strain localization analysis of layered materials with soft interfaces based on a second-order homogenization approach. In: 10th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 8-13 July 2012, Sao Paulo (Brazil) (Unpublished) (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Un approccio multi-scala per la determinazione delle proprietà meccaniche di materiali eterogenei a micro-struttura periodica. In: GMA 2011: Riunione del Gruppo Materiali dell’AIMETA, February, 23-25 2011, Udine, Italy (Unpublished) (2011)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi Wave propagation in non-centrosymmetric beam-lattices with lumped masses: discrete and micropolar modelling. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 118-19. pp. 128-145. ISSN 0020-7683 (2017)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A computational high-continuity approach to the multi-scale static and dynamic modeling of materials with periodic microsrtucture. In: EUROMECH 537, European Mechanics Society - Multiscale computational homogenization of heterogeneous structures and materials, 26-28 March 2012, Marne-la-Vallée (France) (Unpublished) (2012)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A micropolar model for the analysis of dispersive waves in chiral mass-in-mass lattices. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 29. pp. 1-8. ISSN 1971-8993 (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A micropolar model for the analysis of dispersive waves in hexachiral mass-in-mass lattices. In: XX Convegno Nazionale di Meccanica Computazionale, GIMC 2014, June, 11-13 2014, Cassino (Italy) (Unpublished) (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Gambarotta, Luigi A multi-scale strain-localization analysis of a layered strip with debonding interfaces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 50 (13). 2061 - 2077. ISSN 0020-7683 (2013)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Morini, Lorenzo and Piccolroaz, Amdrea Effective elastic properties of planar SOFCs: a non-local dynamic homogenization approach. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 39 (27). 15017 - 15030. ISSN 0360-3199 (2014)

Bacigalupo, Andrea and Morini, Lorenzo and Piccolroaz, Amdrea Overall thermomechanical properties of layered materials for energy devices applications. Composite Structures, 157. pp. 366-385. ISSN 0263-8223 (2016)

Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto Decentralized model predictive control of dynamically-coupled linear systems: tracking under packet loss. In: Estimation and Control of Networked Systems. IFAC, 24th Sep. - 26th Sep. 2009, pp. 204-209. ISBN 978-3-902661-52-4 (2009)

Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto and Ripaccioli, Giulio Hierarchical multi-rate control design for constrained linear systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Hilton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, December 15-17, 2010, 5216 -5221. ISBN 978-1-4244-7745-6 (2010)

Barcelli, Davide and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto Synthesis of networked switching linear decentralized controllers. In: 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. IEEE, 2480 -2485. ISBN 978-1-4244-7745-6 (2010)

Barcelli, Davide and Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos and Cayuela, Vincenç Puig and Bemporad, Alberto Decentralized model predictive control of drinking water networks using an automatic subsystem decomposition approach. In: Symposium on large scale complex systems theory and applications. IFAC. ISBN 978-3-902661-91-3 (2010)

Bellini, A. and Bemporad, Alberto and Franchi, Eleonora and Manaresi, Nicolò and Rovatti, Riccardo and Torrini, G. Analog fuzzy implementation of a vehicle traction sliding-mode control. In: ISATA 29th International Symposium on Automotive Technology and Automation Automotive , 1996, Croydon, UK pp. 275-282. (Unpublished) (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto Control of constrained nonlinear systems via reference management. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, Albuquerque, New Mexico June 1997, pp. 3343-3347. ISBN 0-7803-3832-4 (1997)

Bemporad, Alberto Controllo predittivo in presenza di vincoli e gestione in linea del riferimento. Masters thesis, Università degli studi di Firenze. (1993)

Bemporad, Alberto Hybrid Toolbox for MATLAB - User's Guide. Manual # /2003 (Unpublished)

Bemporad, Alberto Model predictive control Design: New Trends and Tools. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 13th-15th December 2006, pp. 6678-6683. ISBN 1-4244-0171-2 (2006)

Bemporad, Alberto Multiparametric nonlinear integer programming and explicit quantized optimal control. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Maui, Hawaii USA, December 2003, pp. 3167-3172. ISBN 0-7803-7924-1 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto Predictive control of teleoperated constrained systems with unbounded communication delays. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Tampa, Florida, December 1998, pp. 2133-2138. ISBN 0-7803-4394-8 (1998)

Bemporad, Alberto Reducing conservativeness in predictive control of constrained systems with disturbances. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Tampa, Florida, December 1998, pp. 1384-1391. ISBN 0-7803-4394-8 (1998)

Bemporad, Alberto Reference governor for constrained nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 43 (3). pp. 415-419. ISSN 0018-9286 (1998)

Bemporad, Alberto Reference governors: on-line set-point optimization techniques for constraint fulfillment. PhD Thesis thesis, Università degli studi di Firenze. (1997)

Bemporad, Alberto An efficient technique for translating mixed logical dynamical systems into piecewise affine systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 1970-1975. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto A multiparametric quadratic programming algorithm with polyhedral computations based on nonnegative least squares. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 60 (11). pp. 2892-2903. ISSN 0018-9286 (2015)

Bemporad, Alberto A predictive controller with artificial Lyapunov function for linear systems with input/state constraints. Automatica, 34 (10). pp. 1255-1260. ISSN 0005-1098 (1998)

Bemporad, Alberto and Barcelli, Davide Decentralized model predictive control. In: Networked control systems. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, 406 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 149-178. ISBN 978-0-85729-032-8 (2010)

Bemporad, Alberto and Barcelli, Davide and Ripaccioli, Giulio Decentralized hierarchical multi-rate control of constrained linear systems. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011. IFAC, pp. 277-283. ISBN 978-3-902661-93-7 (2011)

Bemporad, Alberto and Bernardini, Daniele and Cuzzola, Francesco Alessandro and Spinelli, Andrea Optimization-based automatic flatness control in cold tandem rolling. Journal of Process Control, 20 (4). 396 - 407. ISSN 0959-1524 (2010)

Bemporad, Alberto and Bernardini, Daniele and Patrinos, Panagiotis A convex feasibility approach to anytime model predictive control. Working Paper ArXiv (Submitted)

Bemporad, Alberto and Bernardini, Daniele and Spinelli, Andrea and Cuzzola, Francesco Alessandro Optimization-based AFC automatic flatness control in cold tandem rolling : an integrated flatness optimization approach for the whole tandem mill. Technical Report # /2011

Bemporad, Alberto and Borodani, Pandeli and Mannelli, Massimo Hybrid control of an automotive robotized gearbox for reduction of consumptions and emissions. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2623 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 81-96. ISBN 978-3-540-00913-9 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Glielmo, Luigi and Vasca, Francesco Hybrid control of dry clutch engagement. In: European Control Conference. European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal. (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Glielmo, Luigi and Vasca, Francesco Optimal piecewise-linear control of dry clutch engagement. In: Workshop Advances in Automotive Control. IFAC, Karlsruhe, Germany, pp. 33-38. (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Explicit solution of LP-based model predictive control. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Sydney, Australia December, 2000, pp. 632-637. ISBN 0-7803-6638-7 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Min-max control of constrained uncertain discrete-time linear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 48 (9). pp. 1600-1606. ISSN 0018-9286 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Model Predictive Control Based on Linear Programming - The Explicit Solution. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47 (12). pp. 1974-1985. ISSN 0018-9286 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred On the optimal control law for linear discrete time hybrid systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Springer-Verlag, pp. 105-119. ISBN 978-3-540-43321-7 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Optimal controllers for hybrid systems: stability and piecewise linear explicit form. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Sydney, Australia December, 2000, pp. 1810-1815. ISBN 0-7803-6638-7 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Piecewise linear optimal controllers for hybrid systems. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, Chicago, 28-30 June 2000 , pp. 1190-1194. ISBN 0-7803-5519-9 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Borrelli, Francesco and Morari, Manfred Piecewise linear robust model predictive control. In: European Control Conference. European Control Conference, Porto, Portugal, pp. 939-944. (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Bozinis, Nikolaos A. and Dua, Vivek and Morari, Manfred and Pistikopoulos, Efstratios N. Model predictive control: a multi-parametric programming approach. In: European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering-10, Florence, Italy pp. 301-306. (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Casavola, Alessandro and Mosca, Edoardo Nonlinear control of constrained linear systems via predictive reference management. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 42 (3). pp. 340-349. ISSN 0018-9286 (1997)

Bemporad, Alberto and Casavola, Alessandro and Mosca, Edoardo A nonlinear command governor for constrained control systems. In: 13th IFAC World Congress. IFAC, pp. 473-478. (1996)

Bemporad, Alberto and Corona, Daniele and Giua, Alessandro and Seatzu, Carla Optimal state-feedback quadratic regulation of linear hybrid automata. In: Analysis and design of hybrid systems 2003: a proceedings volume from the IFAC conference. Elsevier, pp. 369-378. ISBN 0-08-044094-0 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano Model-predictive control of discrete hybrid stochastic automata. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 56 (6). 1307 -1321. ISSN 0018-9286 (2011)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano and Giorgetti, Nicolò Model predictive control of hybrid systems with applications to supply chain management. In: 49th ANIPLA National Congress “Automazione 2005”, 23-24 Novembre 2005, Napoli, Italy (Unpublished) (2005)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano and Júlvez, Jorge Event-based model predictive control and verification of integral continuous-time hybrid automata. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Springer-Verlag, pp. 93-107. ISBN 978-3-540-33170-4 (2006)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Cairano, Stefano and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid modeling and control of a multibody magnetic actuator for automotive applications. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 12th-14th December 2007, 5270-5275 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0 (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Di Marco, Mauro and Tesi, Alberto Sonar-based wall-following control of mobile robots. Journal of dynamic systems measurement and control, 122 (1). pp. 226-230. ISSN 0022-0434 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Ferrari-Trecate, Giancarlo and Mignone, Domenico and Morari, Manfred and Torrisi, Fabio Danilo Model predictive control - ideas for the next generation. In: European Control Conference , Karlsruhe, Germany (1999)

Bemporad, Alberto and Ferrari-Trecate, Giancarlo and Morari, Manfred Observability and controllability of piecewise affine and hybrid systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 45 (10). pp. 1864-1876. ISSN 0018-9286 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Ferrari-Trecate, Giancarlo and Morari, Manfred Observability and controllability of piecewise affine and hybrid systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Phoenix, Arizona, pp. 3966-3971. ISBN 0-7803-5250-5 (1999)

Bemporad, Alberto and Filippi, Carlo Approximate multiparametric convex programming. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Maui, Hawaii USA, December 2003, pp. 3185-3190. (Unpublished) (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Filippi, Carlo Suboptimal explicit MPC via approximate multiparametric quadratic programming. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001, pp. 4851-4856. ISBN 0-7803-7061-9 (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Gabbriellini, Tommaso and Puglia, Laura and Bellucci, Leonardo Scenario-based stochastic model predictive control for dynamic option hedging. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Hilton Atlanta Hotel, Atlanta, December 15-17, 2010, 6089 -6094. ISBN 978-1-4244-7745-6 (2010)

Bemporad, Alberto and Garulli, Andrea Output-feedback predictive control of constrained linear systems with disturbances via set-membership state estimation. International Journal of Control , 73 (8). pp. 655-665. ISSN 0020-7179 (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Garulli, Andrea and Paoletti, Simone and Vicino, Antonio Set membership identification of piecewise affine models. In: System Identification 2003 : a proceeding volume from the 13th IFAC Symposium on System Identification. Elsevier, pp. 1789-1794. ISBN 978-0-08-043709-5 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Gentile, F. and Mecocci, A. and Molendi, Francesco and Rossi, F. A wireless magneto-resistive sensor network for real-time vehicle detection. In: Fourth European conference, EWSN 2007, The Netherlands, Delft, 29-31 January 2007 pp. 13-14. (2007)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò Logic-based hybrid solvers for optimal control of hybrid systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Maui, Hawaii USA, December 2003, pp. 640-645. ISBN 0-7803-7924-1 (2003)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò Logic-based solution methods for optimal control of hybrid systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 51 (6). pp. 963-976. ISSN 0018-9286 (2006)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid modeling and control of a direct injection stratified charge engine. In: Symposium on Advanced Automotive Technologies, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress an. ASME, pp. 691-698. ISBN 0-7918-3629-0 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giorgetti, Nicolò and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor A hybrid system approach to modeling and optimal control of DISC engines. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 1582-1587. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giovanardi, L. and Torrisi, Fabio Danilo Performance driven reachability analysis for optimal scheduling and control of hybrid systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, pp. 969-974. (2000)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giua, Alessandro and Seatzu, Carla Synthesis of state-feedback optimal controllers for switched linear systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 3182-3187. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giua, Alessandro and Seatzu, Carla An iterative algorithm for the optimal control of continuous-time switched linear systems. In: Discrete Event Systems (WODES) : Proceedings of Sixth International Workshop. IEEE, 2–4 October 2002 Zaragoza, SPAIN, pp. 335-340. ISBN 0-7695-1683-1 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Giua, Alessandro and Seatzu, Carla A master-slave algorithm for the optimal control of continuous-time switched affine systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 1976-1981. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and De Schutter, Bart On hybrid systems and closed-loop MPC systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 47 (5). pp. 863-869. ISSN 0018-9286 (2002)

Bemporad, Alberto and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and De Schutter, Bart On hybrid systems and closed-loop MPC systems. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001, pp. 1645-1650. ISBN 0-7803-7061-9 (2001)

Bemporad, Alberto and Mignone, Domenico and Morari, Manfred Moving horizon estimation for hybrid systems and fault detection. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, San Diego, California, June 1999, pp. 2471-2475. ISBN 0-7803-4990-3 (1999)

Bemporad, Alberto and Mignone, Domenico and Morari, Manfred An efficient branch and bound algorithm for state estimation and control of hybrid systems. In: European control conference, Karlsruhe, Germany (1999)

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Bemporad, Alberto and Torrisi, Fabio Danilo and Morari, Manfred Optimization-based verification and stability characterization of piecewise affine and hybrid systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1790 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 45-58. ISBN 978-3-540-67259-3 (2000)

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Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Invernizzi, Stefano and Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto Cyclic Micro-slip and Energy Dissipation on Elastic Rough Interfaces. In: AIMETA 2005 : atti del XVII Congresso dell’Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata : Firenze, 11-15 settembre 2005. Firenze University Press. ISBN 88-8453-313-9 (2005)

Budarapu, Pattabhi R. and Javvaji, B. and Sutrakar, V. K. and Mahapatra, D. Roy and Paggi, Marco and Zi, G. and Rabczuk, T. Lattice orientation and crack size effect on the mechanical properties of Graphene. International Journal of Fracture, 203 (1-2). pp. 81-98. ISSN 1573-2673 (2017)

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Carpinteri, Alberto and Corradini, Andrea and Mancini, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Il modello della fessura coesiva in trazione e compressione per la valutazione della duttilità degli elementi strutturali in calcestruzzo armato. Frattura ed Integrità Strutturale, 7. pp. 17-28. ISSN 1971-8993 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Goso, Giusemaria and Paggi, Marco Size-scale effects on interaction diagrams for reinforced concrete columns. Construction and Building Materials, 27 (1). 271 - 279. ISSN 0950-0618 (2012)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Mancini, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Size-scale effects on plastic rotational capacity of reinforced concrete beams. Structural Journal, 106 (6). pp. 887-896. ISSN 0889-3241 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Mancini, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco A numerical approach to modelling size effects on the flexural ductility of RC beams. Materials and Structures, 42 (10). pp. 1353-1367. ISSN 1359-5997 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco An analytical model based on strain localisation for the study of size-scale and slenderness effects in uniaxial compression tests. Strain, 47 (4). pp. 351-362. ISSN 0039-2103 (2011)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco An integrated cohesive/overlapping crack model for the analysis of flexural cracking and crushing in RC beams. International Journal of Fracture, 161 (2). pp. 161-173. ISSN 1573-2673 (2010)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco and Mancini, Giuseppe Cohesive versus overlapping crack model for a size effect analysis of RC elements in bending. In: Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of RC Structures. Taylor & Francis, pp. 655-663. ISBN 9780415446167 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Acoustic emission monitoring and numerical modeling of FRP delamination in RC beams with non-rectangular cross-section. Materials and Structures, 40 (6). pp. 553-566. ISSN 1359-5997 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Calcolo delle strutture isostatiche. Ingegneria Strutturale . Pitagora Editrice Bologna. ISBN 88-371-1782-5 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco Delamination vs. shear failure in retrofitted concrete beams and related size-scale effects. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture. Curran Associates, Inc, pp. 1445-1454. ISBN 978-1-6173-227-7 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Paggi, Marco and Pugno, Nicola Acoustic emission monitoring and numerical modelling of a FRP-strengthened concrete structure. In: Concrete Repair, Rehabilitation and Retrofitting. Taylor&Francis, pp. 1347-1352. ISBN 978-0-415-39656-1 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Analysis of snap-back instability due to end-plate debonding in strengthened beams. Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 136 (2). pp. 199-208. ISSN 0733-9399 (2010)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Analytical study of the singularities arising at multi-material interfaces in 2D linear elastic problems. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (1–2). 59 - 74. ISSN 0013-7944 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Are the Paris' law parameters dependent on each other? In: IGF 19: Atti del XIX convegno nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura. Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 217-224. ISBN 9788895940199 (2007)

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Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Correlation Between Paris’ Law Parameters Based on Self-Similarity and Criticality Condition. In: Fracture of Nano and Engineering Materials and Structures. Springer , pp. 239-240. ISBN 978-1-4020-4971-2 (2006)

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Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Influence of the intermediate material on the singular stress field in tri-material junctions. In: Atti del 17° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF). Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 263-268. ISBN 8890108096 (2004)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Influence of the intermediate material on the singular stress field in tri-material junctions. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fracture 2005 (ICF11). Curran Associates, pp. 393-398. ISBN 978-1-61782-063-2 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Influence of the intermediate material on the singular stress field in trimaterial junctions. Materials Science, 42 (1). pp. 95-101. ISSN 1068-820X (2006)

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Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Modelling strain localization by cohesive (overlapping) zones in tension (compression): brittleness size effects and scaling in material properties. In: Mechanics down under. Springer, pp. 15-33. ISBN 978-94-007-5968-8 (2013)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Modelling strain localization by cohesive/overlapping zones in tension/compression: Brittleness size effects and scaling in material properties. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 92 (10). pp. 829-840. ISSN 0044-2267 (2012)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco New correlations for the cyclic properties of engineering materials. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Fracture (ECF 17). ESIS Czech, pp. 952-959. ISBN 978-80-214-3692-3 (2008)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Numerical analysis of fracture mechanisms and failure modes in bi-layered structural components. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 43 (11–12). 941 - 953. ISSN 0168-874X (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco On the asymptotic stress field in angularly nonhomogeneous materials. International Journal of Fracture, 135 (1-4). pp. 267-283. ISSN 1573-2673 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Self-similarity and crack growth instability in the correlation between the Paris’ constants. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 74 (7). 1041 - 1053. ISSN 0013-7944 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Singular harmonic problems at a wedge vertex: mathematical analogies between elasticity, diffusion, electromagnetism, and fluid dynamics. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, 6 (1-4). pp. 113-125. ISSN 1559-3959 (2011)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Size-Scale effects on strength, friction and fracture energy of faults: a unified interpretation according to fractal geometry. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 41 (5). pp. 735-746. ISSN 0723-2632 (2008)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Size-scale effects on the friction coefficient. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42 (9–10). 2901 - 2910. ISSN 0020-7683 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Sulla seconda edizione della Mécanique Analytique di Lagrange: lettura critica e prospettive attuali. Memorie dell'Istituto Lombardo. Classe di Scienze Matematiche e Naturali, 46. pp. 109-130. ISSN 1124-1977 (2008)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Theoretical and numerical investigation on internal instability phenomena in composite materials. In: Atti del 17° Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura (IGF). Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 136-141. ISBN 8890108096 (2004)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco Thermo-elastic mismatch in nonhomogeneous beams. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 61 (2-4). pp. 371-384. ISSN 0022-0833 (2008)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco The effect of crack size and specimen size on the relation between the Paris and Wöhler curves. Meccanica, 49 (4). pp. 765-773. ISSN 0025-6455 (2014)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A fractal interpretation of size-scale effects on strength, friction and fracture energy of faults. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 39 (2). 540 - 546. ISSN 0960-0779 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A generalized dimensional analysis approach to fatigue crack growth. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture. Curran Associates, Inc, pp. 6337-6346. ISBN 978-1-6173-227-7 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco The mitigation of stress-singularities in Linear Elasticity. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture. Curran Associates, Inc, pp. 6098-6107. ISBN 978-1-6173-227-7 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A theoretical approach to the interaction between buckling and resonance instabilities. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 78 (1). pp. 19-35. ISSN 0022-0833 (2013)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A top-down approach for the prediction of hardness and toughness of hierarchical materials. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 42 (4). 2546 - 2552. ISSN 0960-0779 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A unified fractal approach for the interpretation of the anomalous scaling laws in fatigue and comparison with existing models. International Journal of Fracture, 161 (1). pp. 41-52. ISSN 1573-2673 (2010)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A unified interpretation of the power laws in fatigue and the analytical correlations between cyclic properties of engineering materials. International Journal of Fatigue, 31 (10). 1524 - 1531. ISSN 0142-1123 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Corrado, Mauro and Mancini, Giuseppe The overlapping crack model for uniaxial and eccentric concrete compression tests. Magazine of Concrete Research, 61 (9). pp. 745-757. ISSN 0024-9831 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Pugno, Nicola Numerical evaluation of generalized stress-intensity factors in multi-layered composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 43 (3–4). 627 - 641. ISSN 0020-7683 (2006)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Pugno, Nicola An analytical approach for fracture and fatigue in functionally graded materials. International Journal of Fracture, 141 (3-4). pp. 535-547. ISSN 1573-2673 (2006)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio A Coupled Contact and Decohesion Analysis of Laminated Beams. In: IUTAM Symposium on Computational Methods in Contact Mechanics. IUTAM Bookseries, 3 . Springer, pp. 147-156. ISBN 978-1-4020-6405-0 (2007)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Cusp-catastrophe interpretation of the stick-slip behaviour of rough surfaces. Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 53 (3). pp. 1-23. ISSN 1526-1492 (2009)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Snap-back instability in micro-structured composites and its connection with superplasticity. Strength, Fracture and Complexity, 3 (2-4). pp. 61-72. ISSN 1567-2069 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Theoretical and numerical investigation on internal instability phenomena in composite materials. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Fracture 2005 (ICF11). Curran Associates, pp. 5928-5933. ISBN 978-1-61782-063-2 (2005)

Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio The effect of contact on the decohesion of laminated beams with multiple microcracks. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45 (1). 129 - 143. ISSN 0020-7683 (2008)

Ciavarella, Michele and Greenwood, J.A. and Paggi, Marco Inclusion of “interaction” in the Greenwood and Williamson contact theory. Wear , 265 (5–6). 729 - 734. ISSN 0043-1648 (2008)

Ciavarella, Michele and Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto One, no one, and one hundred thousand crack propagation laws: a generalized Barenblatt and Botvina dimensional analysis approach to fatigue crack growth. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 56 (12). 3416 - 3432. ISSN 0022-5096 (2008)

Corrado, Mauro and Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and Mancini, Giuseppe Improvement in the plastic rotation evaluation by means of fracture mechanics concepts. In: Tailor made concrete structures: new solutions for our society. CRC Press, pp. 541-546. ISBN 978-0-415-47535-8 (2008)

Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco Metodo degli spostamenti. Fondamenti teorici e applicazioni strutturali. CLUT Editrice, Torino. ISBN 9788879923521 (2013)

Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto Cohesive-Overlapping Crack Model describing the size-scale effects on the rotational capacity of RC beams in bending. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures - FraMCoS-7. Korea Concrete Institute, pp. 183-190. ISBN 978-89-5708-180-8 (2010)

Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto Limits to plastic analysis design due to size-scale effects on the rotational capacity of plastic hinges. In: Proceedings of the third International fib Congress. Curran Associates, pp. 3498-3499. ISBN 978-1-61782-821-8 (2010)

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Corrado, Mauro and Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto Size-scale effects on the ductility of reinforced concrete structural elements. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Fracture. Curran Associates, Inc, pp. 2085-2084. ISBN 978-1-6173-227-7 (2009)

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Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetic automotive actuators. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, 9th-13th July 2007 , pp. 5082-5087. ISBN 1-4244-0988-8 (2007)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Model predictive control of magnetically actuated mass spring dampers for automotive applications. International Journal of Control , 80 (11). pp. 1701-1716. ISSN 0020-7179 (2007)

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Di Cairano, Stefano and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Lazar, Mircea and Bemporad, Alberto Hybrid control lyapunov functions for the stabilization of hybridsystems. In: Proceedings of the 16th international conference on Hybrid systems: computation and control. ACM, pp. 73-82. ISBN 978-1-4503-1567-8 (2013)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Pascucci, Carlo A. and Bemporad, Alberto The rendezvous dynamics under linear quadratic optimal control. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012. IEEE, 6554 -6559. ISBN 978-1-4673-2064-1 (2012)

Di Cairano, Stefano and Yanakiev, Diana and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor An MPC design flow for automotive control and applications to idle speed regulation. In: Decision and Control, 2008. CDC 2008. 47th IEEE Conference on. IEEE, pp. 5686-5691. ISBN 978-1-4244-3123-6 (2008)

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Fantoni, Francesca and Bacigalupo, Andrea and Paggi, Marco Multi-field asymptotic homogenization of thermo-piezoelectric materials with periodic microstructure. Working Paper arXiv (Submitted)

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Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo A dynamic obstacle avoidance strategy for a mobile robot based on sliding mode control. In: Proceedings of the Control Applications, (CCA) & Intelligent Control, (ISIC). IEEE, 1535 -1540. ISBN 978-1-4244-4601-8 (2009)

Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo A sub-optimal second order sliding mode controller for current-fed induction motors. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC '09). IEEE, 59 -64. ISBN 978-1-4244-4523-3 (2009)

Ferrara, Antonella and Rubagotti, Matteo A sub-optimal second order sliding mode controller for systems with saturating actuators. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2008. IEEE, 4715 -4720. ISBN 978-1-4244-2078-0 (2008)

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Garcia, Israel and Paggi, Marco and Mantic, Vladislav Fiber-size effects on the onset of fiber–matrix debonding under transverse tension: A comparison between cohesive zone and finite fracture mechanics models. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 115. pp. 96-110. ISSN 0013-7944 (2014)

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Giorgetti, Nicolò and Ripaccioli, Giulio and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya and Hrovat, Davor Hybrid model predictive control of direct injection stratified charge engines. IEEE/Asme Transactions on Mechatronics , 11 (5). pp. 499-506. ISSN 1083-4435 (2006)

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Hermans, Ralph M. and Jokic, Andrej and Lazar, Mircea and Alessio, Alessandro and Van den bosch, Paul and Hiskens, Ian and Bemporad, Alberto Assessment of non-centralised model predictive control techniques for electrical power networks. International Journal of Control , 85 (8). pp. 1162-1177. ISSN 0020-7179 (2012)


Indelicato, Ferdinando and Paggi, Marco Specimen shape and the problem of contact in the assessment of concrete compressive strength. Materials and Structures, 41 (2). pp. 431-441. ISSN 1359-5997 (2008)

Ingimundarson, Ari and Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos and Bemporad, Alberto Suboptimal model predictive control of hybrid systems based on mode-switching constraints. In: Decision and Control. IEEE, 12th-14th December 2007, 5264-5269 . ISBN 978-1-4244-1497-0 (2007)


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Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Bemporad, Alberto and Weiland, Siep Discrete-time non-smooth nonlinear MPC: Stability and robustness. In: Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. Springer-Verlag, pp. 93-103. ISBN 978-3-540-72698-2 (2007)

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Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Weiland, Siep and Bemporad, Alberto Stabilizing receding horizon control of piecewise linear systems: An LMI approach. In: 16th Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, July 5-9, 2004, Leuven, Belgium (2004)

Lazar, Mircea and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Weiland, Siep and Bemporad, Alberto and Pastravanu, Octavian Infinity norms as Lyapunov functions for model predictive control of constrained PWA systems. In: Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3414 . Springer-Verlag, pp. 417-432. ISBN 978-3-540-25108-8 (2005)

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Mignone, Domenico and Bemporad, Alberto and Morari, Manfred A framework for control, fault detection, state estimation and verification of hybrid systems. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, San Diego, California, June 1999, pp. 134-138. ISBN 0-7803-4990-3 (1999)

Milic, Vladimir and Di Cairano, Stefano and Kasac, Josip and Bemporad, Alberto and Situm, Zeljko A numerical algorithm for nonlinear L2-gain optimal control with application to vehicle yaw stability control. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012. IEEE, 5040 -5045. ISBN 978-1-4673-2064-1 (2012)

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Muñoz de la Peña, David and Alamo, Teodoro and Bemporad, Alberto and Camacho, Eduardo F. Feedback min-max model predictive control based on a quadratic cost function. In: American Control Conference. IEEE, 14th-16th June 2006 , pp. 1575-1680. ISBN 1-4244-0209-3 (2006)

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Muñoz de la Peña, David and Bemporad, Alberto and Filippi, Carlo Robust explicit MPC based on approximate multi-parametric convex programming. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, 14th-17th December 2004, pp. 2491-2496. ISBN 0-7803-8682-5 (2004)


Ocampo-Martinez, Carlos and Bemporad, Alberto and Ingimundarson, Ari and Cayuela, Vincenç Puig On hybrid model predictive control of sewer networks. In: Identification and Control: The gap between theory & practice. Springer-Verlag, pp. 87-114. ISBN 978-1-84628-899-9 (2007)

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Oliveri, Alberto and Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto and Genuit, Bart and Heemels, W.P.M.H. and Poggi, Tomaso and Rubagotti, Matteo and Storace, Marco MOBY-DIC: A MATLAB Toolbox for Circuit-Oriented Design of Explicit MPC. In: 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference. IFAC, pp. 218-225. ISBN 978-3-902823-07-6 (2012)


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Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto Singular harmonic problems at multi-material wedges: mathematical analogies between elasticity, diffusion and electromagnetism. In: 18th European Conference on Fracture (ECF18), August 30 - September 03, 2010, Dresden, Germany pp. 1-8. (Unpublished) (2010)

Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto ctal and multifractal approaches for the analysis of crack-size dependent scaling laws in fatigue. In: AIMETA 2007: Atti del XVIII Congresso dell’Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Tesi e ricerca . Starrylink, pp. 417-418. ISBN 978-88-89720-69-1 (2007)

Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto A theoretical and numerical approach to the interaction between buckling and resonance instabilities in discrete and continuous mechanical systems. In: Proceedings of the 19th AIMETA Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Aras Edizioni, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9788896378083 (2009)

Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto and Lacidogna, Giuseppe On the competition between delamination and shear failure in retrofitted concrete beams and related scale effects. In: Design, Assessment and Retrofitting of RC Structures. Taylor & Francis, pp. 1069-1076. ISBN 9780415446167 (2007)

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Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto and Orta, Renato A unified mathematical formulation for the asymptotic analysis of singular elastic and electromagnetic fields. In: Proceedings of the 19th AIMETA Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Aras Edizioni, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9788896378083 (2009)

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Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto and Zavarise, Giorgio A numerical model for the analysis of decohesion at bi-material interfaces with random properties. In: Atti del XVI Convegno Italiano di Meccanica Computazionale. Tecnoprint, pp. 1-4. ISBN 88-371-1621-7 (2006)

Paggi, Marco and Carpinteri, Alberto and Zavarise, Giorgio A unified interface constitutive law for the study of fracture and contact problems in heterogeneous materials. In: Analysis and Simulation of Contact Problems. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics (27). Springer-Verlag, pp. 297-304. ISBN 978-3-540-31761-6 (2006)

Paggi, Marco and Chiaia, Bernardino and Borri Brunetto, Mauro Multiscale models for contact mechanics of rough surfaces. In: (ed. by R. Buzio e U. Valbusa) Advances in Contact Mechanics: Implications for Materials Science, Engineering and Biology. Research Signpost, pp. 1-41. ISBN 81-7895-221-1 (2006)

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Paggi, Marco and Corrado, Mauro and Rodriguez, Maria Alejandra A multi-physics and multi-scale numerical approach to microcracking and power-loss in photovoltaic modules. Composite Structures, 95. 630 - 638. ISSN 0263-8223 (2013)

Paggi, Marco and Ferro, Giuseppe Applicazioni di meccanica della frattura all’analisi di stabilitá delle fessure nelle dighe in calcestruzzo. In: Problematiche di Frattura nei materiali per l'Ingegneria. Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 209-216. ISBN 978-88-95940-29-8 (2010)

Paggi, Marco and Ferro, Giuseppe Fatigue of quasi-brittle materials: a unified interpretation of microstructural size, crack size and size-scale effects. In: Atti del XX Convegno Nazionale del Gruppo Italiano Frattura. Gruppo Italiano Frattura, pp. 33-43. ISBN 978-88-95940-25-0 (2009)

Paggi, Marco and Ferro, Giuseppe Nonlinear interface crack propagation in concrete gravity dams under seismic loading. In: 18th European Conference on Fracture (ECF18), August 30 - September 03, 2010, Dresden, Germany pp. 1-8. (Unpublished) (2010)

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Paggi, Marco and Lacidogna, Giuseppe and Cornetti, Pietro and Carpinteri, Alberto Towards a unified approach for the analysis of failure modes in FRP-retrofitted concrete beams. Advances in Structural Engineering, 12 (5). pp. 715-729. ISSN 1369-4332 (2009)

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Paggi, Marco and Plekhov, Oleg On the dependency of the parameters of fatigue crack growth from the fractal dimension of rough crack profiles. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228 (12). pp. 2059-2067. ISSN 0954-4062 (2014)

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Paggi, Marco and Sapora, Alberto Numerical modelling of microcracking in PV modules induced by thermo-mechanical loads. Energy Procedia, 38. 506 - 515. ISSN 1876-6102 (2013)

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Paggi, Marco and Wriggers, Peter Stiffness and strength of hierarchical polycrystalline materials with imperfect interfaces. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 60 (4). 557 - 572. ISSN 0022-5096 (2012)

Paggi, Marco and Wriggers, Peter Stiffness and strength of hierarchical polycrystalline materials with imperfect interfaces. In: Computational plasticity XI : fundamentals and applications. International center for numerical methods in engineering (CIMNE), pp. 1082-1090. ISBN 978-84-89925-73-1 (2011)

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Paggi, Marco and Wriggers, Peter A nonlocal cohesive zone model for finite thickness interfaces – Part I: Mathematical formulation and validation with molecular dynamics. Computational Materials Science, 50 (5). 1625 - 1633. ISSN 0927-0256 (2011)

Paggi, Marco and Wriggers, Peter A nonlocal cohesive zone model for finite thickness interfaces – Part II: FE implementation and application to polycrystalline materials. Computational Materials Science, 50 (5). 1634 - 1643. ISSN 0927-0256 (2011)

Paggi, Marco and Wriggers, Peter A nonlocal cohesive zone model for studying crack propagation in mechanical systems with finite thickness interfaces. In: Atti del XX Congresso Associazione Italiana di Meccanica Teorica e Applicata. Publi&Stampa Edizioni, pp. 1-10. ISBN 978-88-906340-0-0 (2011)

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Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Contact mechanics of microscopically rough surfaces with graded elasticity. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 30 (5). 696 - 704. ISSN 0997-7538 (2011)

Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio Contact of microscopically rough surfaces with graded elasticity. In: 1st International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics ICCCM09, September 16-19, 2009, Lecce, Italy (2009)

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Paggi, Marco and Zavarise, Giorgio and Carpinteri, Alberto Softening and snap-back instability in superplastic deformation. In: AIMETA 2005 : atti del XVII Congresso dell’Associazione italiana di meccanica teorica e applicata : Firenze, 11-15 settembre 2005. Firenze University Press. ISBN 88-8453-313-9 (2005)

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Picasso, Bruno and Pancanti, Stefania and Bemporad, Alberto and Bicchi, Antonio Receding-horizon control of LTI systems with quantized inputs. In: Analysis and design of hybrid systems 2003: a proceedings volume from the IFAC conference. Elsevier, pp. 259-264. ISBN 0-08-044094-0 (2003)

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Poggi, Tomaso and Trimboli, Sergio and Bemporad, Alberto and Storace, Marco Explicit hybrid model predictive control: discontinuous piecewise-affine approximation and FPGA implementation. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress, 2011. IFAC, pp. 1350-1355. ISBN 978-3-902661-93-7 (2011)

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Rizzoni, Giorgio and Onori, Simona and Rubagotti, Matteo Diagnosis and prognosis of automotive systems: motivations, history and some results. In: Proceedings of the 7th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Safety of Technical Processes. IFAC, pp. 191-202. ISBN 978-3-902661-46-3 (2009)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto Approximate Explicit MPC on Simplicial Partitions with Guaranteed Stability for Constrained Linear Systems. In: 4th IFAC Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Conference. IFAC, pp. 119-125. ISBN 978-3-902823-07-6 (2012)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Barcelli, Davide and Bemporad, Alberto Robust explicit model predictive control via regular piecewise-affine approximation. International Journal of Control , 87 (12). pp. 2583-2593. ISSN 0020-7179 (2014)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Carminati, Marco and Clemente, Giampiero and Grassetti, Riccardo and Ferrara, Antonella Modeling and control of an airbrake electro-hydraulic smart actuator. Asian Journal of Control , 14 (5). pp. 1159-1170. ISSN 1561-8625 (2012)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Della Vedova, Marco L. and Ferrara, Antonella Time-optimal sliding-mode control of a mobile robot in a dynamic environment. IET Control Theory and Applications, 5 (16). 1916 -1924. ISSN 1751-8644 (2011)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Estrada, Antonio and Castanos, Fernando and Ferrara, Antonella and Fridman, Leonid Optimal disturbance rejection via integral sliding mode control for uncertain systems in regular form. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems (VSS), 2010. IEEE, 78 -82. ISBN 978-1-4244-5829-5 (2010)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Ferrara, Antonella Second order sliding mode control of a perturbed double integrator with state constraints. In: Proceedings of the American Control Conference (ACC), 2010. IEEE, 985 -990. ISBN 978-1-4244-7426-4 (2010)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Onori, Simona and Rizzoni, Giorgio Automotive battery prognostics using dual Extended Kalman Filter. In: Proceedings of the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC2009). American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 257-263. ISBN 978-0-7918-4893-7 (2009)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Bemporad, Alberto Stabilizing embedded MPC with computational complexity guarantees. In: Proceedings of European Control Conference. IEEE, pp. 3065-3070. ISBN 978-3-033-03962-9 (2013)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Poggi, Tomaso and Bemporad, Alberto and Storace, Marco Piecewise affine direct virtual sensors with Reduced Complexity. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012. IEEE, 656 -661. ISBN 978-1-4673-2064-1 (2012)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Raimondo, Davide Martino and Ferrara, Antonella and Magni, Lalo Robust model predictive control of continuous-time sampled-data nonlinear systems with integral sliding mode. In: European Control Conference, 23-26 August 2009, Budapest, Hungary (Submitted) (2009)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Raimondo, Davide Martino and Ferrara, Antonella and Magni, Lalo Robust model predictive control with integral sliding mode in continuous-time sampled-data nonlinear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control , 56 (3). 556 -570. ISSN 0018-9286 (2011)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Raimondo, Davide Martino and Ferrara, Antonella and Magni, Lalo Robust nonlinear MPC with integral sliding mode for systems with matched disturbances. In: International Workshop on Assessment and Future Directions of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control , September 5-9, 2008, Pavia, Italy (Unpublished) (2008)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Trimboli, Sergio and Bernardini, Daniele and Bemporad, Alberto Stability and invariance analysis of approximate explicit MPC based on PWA Lyapunov functions. In: Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress. IFAC. ISBN 978-3-902661-93-7 (2011)

Rubagotti, Matteo and Zaccarian, Luca and Bemporad, Alberto Stability analysis of discrete-time piecewise-affine systems over non-invariant domains. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012. IEEE, 4235 -4240. ISBN 978-1-4673-2064-1 (2012)


Sapora, Alberto and Paggi, Marco A coupled cohesive zone model for transient analysis of thermoelastic interface debonding. Computational Mechanics, 53. pp. 845-857. ISSN 0178-7675 (2014)

Sarimveis, Haralambos and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Tarantilis, Chris D. and Kiranoudis, Chris T. Dynamic modeling and control of supply chain systems: a review. Computers and operations research , 35 (11). pp. 3530-3561. ISSN 0305-0548 (2008)

Silva, Miguel Pedro and Ayala Botto, Miguel and Pina, Luis and Bemporad, Alberto and Sa da Costa, José Robust optimal control of linear hybrid systems: An MLD approach. In: CONTROLO 2004 - Sixth Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, June 7-9 2004, Faro, Portugal (2004)

Silva, Miguel Pedro and Bemporad, Alberto and Ayala Botto, Miguel and Sa da Costa, José Optimal control of uncertain piecewise affine/mixed logical dynamical systems. In: European Control Conference 2003 (Unpublished) (2003)

Sopasakis, Pantelis and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Giannikou, Stefania and Sarimveis, Haralambos Physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling and predictive control: an integrated approach for optimal drug administration. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 29. pp. 1490-1494. ISSN 1570-7946 (2011)

Sopasakis, Pantelis and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos Explicit control for nonlinear constrained systems combining fuzzy model predictive control and multiparametric programming. In: 7th Panhellenic Conference on Chemical Engineering, 3-5 June 2009, Patras, Greece (Unpublished) (2009)

Sopasakis, Pantelis and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos Robust Model Predictive Control for optimal continuous drug administration. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 116 (3). pp. 193-204. ISSN 0169-2607 (2014)

Sopasakis, Pantelis and Patrinos, Panagiotis and Sarimveis, Haralambos and Bemporad, Alberto Model Predictive Control for Linear Impulsive Systems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2012. IEEE, 5164 -5169. ISBN 978-1-4673-2064-1 (2012)


Tondel, Petter and Johansen, Tor Arne and Bemporad, Alberto Computation and approximation of piecewise affine control via binary search tree. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Las Vegas, Nevada USA, December 2002, pp. 3144-3149. ISBN 0-7803-7516-5 (2002)

Tondel, Petter and Johansen, Tor Arne and Bemporad, Alberto Evaluation of piecewise affine control via binary search tree. Automatica, 39 (5). pp. 945-950. ISSN 0005-1098 (2003)

Tondel, Petter and Johansen, Tor Arne and Bemporad, Alberto Further results on multiparametric quadratic programming. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Maui, Hawaii USA, December 2003, pp. 3173-3178. ISBN 0-7803-7924-1 (2003)

Tondel, Petter and Johansen, Tor Arne and Bemporad, Alberto An algorithm for multi-parametric quadratic programming and explicit MPC solutions. Automatica, 39 (3). pp. 489-497. ISSN 005-1098 (2003)

Tondel, Petter and Johansen, Tor Arne and Bemporad, Alberto An algorithm for multi-parametric quadratic programming and explicit MPC solutions. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001, pp. 1199-1204. ISBN 0-7803-7061-9 (2001)

Torrisi, Fabio Danilo and Bemporad, Alberto Discrete-time hybrid modeling and verification. In: Decision and Control Conference. IEEE, Orlando, Florida USA, December 2001, pp. 2899-2904. ISBN 0-7803-7061-9 (2001)

Trimboli, Sergio and Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya Model predictive control for systems with time delay: an application to air-fuel ratio control in automotive engines. In: Time Delay Systems. IFAC, pp. 90-95. ISBN 10.3182/20090901-3-RO-4009.00012 (2009)

Trimboli, Sergio and Di Cairano, Stefano and Bemporad, Alberto and Kolmanovsky, Ilya Model predictive control with delay compensation for air-to-fuel ratio control. In: Time delay systems: methods, applications and new trends. Lecture Notes in Information Sciences (423). Springer, Berlin, pp. 319-330. ISBN 978-3-642-25220-4 (2012)

Trimboli, Sergio and Rubagotti, Matteo and Bemporad, Alberto Stability and invariance analysis of uncertain PWA systems based on linear programming. In: Proceedings of the 50th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC). IEEE, 7398 -7403. ISBN 978-1-61284-800-6 (2011)


Zavarise, Giorgio and Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Paggi, Marco On the reliability of microscopical contact models. Wear , 257 (3–4). 229 - 245. ISSN 0043-1648 (2004)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Paggi, Marco On the resolution dependence of micromechanical contact models. Wear , 262 (1–2). 42 - 54. ISSN 0043-1648 (2007)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Paggi, Marco Prediction of real contact area for interfacial debonding damage in fibrous composite materials. In: Proceedings of the 16th AIMETA Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. AIMETA, pp. 1-10. (2003)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Borri Brunetto, Mauro and Paggi, Marco A comparison of the mechanical behavior of microscopical contact models. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Nonsmooth/Nonconvex Mechanics with Applications in Engineering. Ziti, pp. 111-118. ISBN 9604317865 (2002)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Carpinteri, Alberto and Paggi, Marco and De Lorenzis, Laura Technical Papers: Linear elastic fracture mechanics approach to plate end debonding in rectilinear and curved plated beams. Advances in Structural Engineering, 13 (5). pp. 875-889. ISSN 1369-4332 (2010)

Zavarise, Giorgio and Paggi, Marco Reliability of Micromechanical Contact Models: a Still Open Issue. In: Computational Contact Mechanics. CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences (498). Springer , pp. 39-82. ISBN 978-3-211-77298-0 (2007)

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